November 7, 2015

Bert H. said
OK… but it is your addiction !
True enough. It’s a very unremarkable 70% gun but it appears solid and unmolested, unlike my bank account. 😉
[email protected] said
Hey Bert I have one on hold at a gun shop up in Maine….SN 1418524
type 2 reciever
serrated hammer
havent taken apart for barrel date
I pick it up this weekend
Thanks… I suspect that it will have a “47” marked barrel.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
[email protected] said
Don’t know if you have this one, its new to my collection..: sn1494458. 30wcf. serrated hammer. type 2 rec. smoothie mag cap
Are you sure it is a type 2 receiver? All of the Model 94s I have surveyed thus far with serial numbers > 1473000 have a Type 3 receiver frame.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L

Hey Bert, Just made an account here to add in my gun after trying to find out what year it was manufactured and coming across the thread.
1. Serial number: 1391664
2. Caliber: 30 W.C.F.
3. Hammer: Serrated
4. Type 2 frame
5. Magazine cap has a single slot
6. Barrel date: 46
garyinPA said
Please add my flat band to the listSerial #1340831
type 2 receiver
slotted magazine cap
checkered hammer
serrated butt plate
no D&T holes
The serial number on your Model 94 Carbine indicates that it was manufactured 4-years before the Flat-band was introduced. Can you send me clear pictures of the barrel band, and the factory markings on the barrel and upper tang?
Bert – [email protected]
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
garyinPA said
Bert, it is my error, I purchased the rifle advertised as a flat band, just picked it up at the gun shop and it is a regular band model 94 serial number 1340813.Sorry for the error
No problem… does it have the Type 7 upper tang marking? Is it drilled & tapped for a tang sight? Most of the very late 1942 production Model 94 Carbines were not drilled & tapped for a tang sight.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
Bill Hanzel said
Incase you don’t already have it
Had it already.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
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