Can I find out who the original owner of this gun was? Should be my wife’s great grandfather in Michigan.
Also approximate value? Completely original and in full working order.
Photos attached.
Thanks in advance
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The answer to your question is No, it is not possible to determine who the original owner was. Winchester sold their products to retail stores all over the U.S. and Canada, with no concern about who eventually purchased the individual guns.
None of your pictures are accessible.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
The only avenue you have is your own family history. Try to find pictures of grandfather with the gun and any accounts from relatives. If you can find some history, take the documents and have them notarized so if someday its sold you have have solid history. Documents that are not notarized don’t add to the value of the gun.
WACA Life Member--- NRA Life Member---- Cody Firearms member since 1991 Researching the Winchester 1873's
Email: [email protected]
Chris P said
BertCan’t figure out how to add the pics (I click picture icon but just shows a blank source box when clicked does nothing??) and won’t let me add link to my drop box
As a “guest” on the WACA forums, you can not directly post pictures. You can post a link to a photo hosting service. If you register and sign up as a WACA member, you will have full access to all features on the WACA website. We purposely did this to prevent trolls and spammers from gaining access to the website.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
Here is shutterfly & dropbox link to photos
Your old Model 1894 is a standard Sporting Rifle, and it is in well worn condition. Unfortunately, somebody removed & replaced the original factory installed rear sight. Frankly, it is below the graded condition that the vast majority of collectors are looking for. That stated, the 32-40 caliber is the least common of the (5) cartridges that were factory chambered in the Model 1894, and it will add to the value if the bore is in decent condition. As for the value, it should not be overly difficult to get $1,500 for it.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
What is the barrel length on that rifle (from end of chamber to muzzle)? Looks a little short. If it is shorter than 26″ what is the forearm wood length (metal to metal)?
1892takedown @sbcglobal.net ......NRA Endowment Life Member.....WACA Member
"God is great.....beer is good.....and people are crazy"... Billy Currington
1892takedown said
What is the barrel length on that rifle (from end of chamber to muzzle)? Looks a little short. If it is shorter than 26″ what is the forearm wood length (metal to metal)?
Images attached with measurements.
Chris Panetta said
Thank you BertCurious how much these cost back in that time period.
The April 1900 Winchester catalog listed the Sporting Rifle with a 26-inch octagon barrel at $19.50.
I did not catch the fact that the barrel and magazine tube on your rifle appear to have been shortened. That will reduce the value to approximately $500.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
The only records that would exist that have that information would be records of the original Store selling that rifle. The only known example of this that I have ever heard of are some old records of Abercrombie & Fitch from the early 1900s that Griffin & Howe now possess. I don’t believe that they have but a few models and probably don’t have the model 94. There maybe other companies out there but I haven’t heard of any as of yet. Here is the link.
WACA #8783 - Checkout my Reloading Tool Survey!
FromTheWoods said
Is there a place on this site for a permanent listing of sources such as this that have records for Winchesters? If not, may we have one?
To the best of my knowledge, there are just three sources of information; (1) The Cody Firearms Museum records office; (2) Pauline Muerrle, and (3) The recently mentioned Griffin & Howe records.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
Recently purchased a M1894 SRC that was shipped in 1903. The stock has a brand on it and the scabbard that came with it is also branded. I asked the seller where he got it. He is a good friend, and he told me it came from an old lady who had it handed down to her from her family. They were sheep herders and she could trace the carbine back to the original purchase. The brand was also on all their sheep. My friend went back to her and she wrote all this info down. Not that I can prove absolute provenance, but it sure was an interesting letter. The carbine is a 30WCF SRC with the platinum line Express rear sight and home made brass front,and really in good shape for a gun carried and used all those years. I gave $900 for it and was glad to get it, especially with the scabbard and letter. Unfortunately, guns don’t talk. If this one did, I am sure it would tell an interesting story. Big Larry
August 11, 2015

Maybe I am looking in the wrong place but I found the G&H website to be lacking for Winchester lever action guns in previous research efforts. Thought I would go back and see if something changed. Saw lots of Model 70s and 21s but very few 94s; only counted 40 on the full list. Could not find SN 87258 either. Am I looking in the wrong place?
Thanks for any help.
Merry Christmas and optimistic about a fantastic new year! Especially for an old “deplorable” man.
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