March 1, 2011

Just got off the phone with Jessica and emailed her a copy of the letter for her to review.
She has told me that she feels the letter has been altered…..lucky me! But she will get back to me regardless.
That said, I feel the price I paid for this rifle was a fair price wheter it letters or not, and who knows, records are not always complete so there’s a good chance this left the factory with a 20″ barrel! At least that’s what I will tell myself!!
Tom Graham - Salmon, Idaho
Just got off the phone with Jessica and emailed her a copy of the letter for her to review.She has told me that she feels the letter has been altered…..lucky me! But she will get back to me regardless.
That said, I feel the price I paid for this rifle was a fair price wheter it letters or not, and who knows, records are not always complete so there’s a good chance this left the factory with a 20″ barrel! At least that’s what I will tell myself!!
Tom I don’t see anything on the rifle that appears altered, and as Bert said it looks original from the photos. I’m not sure why somebody would alter the letter other than the barrel length was left out in the ledger and felt a notation was needed to confirm. The flip side is, if a letter is to be altered, good chance the gun is but, it looks right to me also from the photos. Jmo
Rick C
March 1, 2011

As mentioned, the fellow that I purchased this rifle from is a person that I know fairly well who lives in the Prescott, AZ area.
He purchased this rifle from his brother several years ago and sold it to me in 2018.
He called his brother today asking about the letter and the brother told him that when he ordered the letter originally he accidently gave Waddy an incorrect serial number and the letter he recieved was for a different gun. He then called Waddy and gave him the correct S/N and this is the letter that he said he received from Waddy back in 2004.
I had no idea a letter had been ordered as when I purchased it from brother #2 I asked about a letter and he told me that he did not order one himself and did not know if his brother had or not at the time.
I have had the gun since 2018 and just the other day got a call saying that he had found a letter in his files and asked if I still had the rifle.
So, long story short, since Jessica said that the words SHORT RIFLE are NOT in the records, somehow it ended up on the letter.
**Side note** There is NO raised seal over the signature on this letter and Jesi tells me that this was a practice starting around 2001.
Either way, I am happy with the rifle and feel that the price I paid was very fair whether or not it left the factory with a shorter than standard barrel.
Thanks to all for helping me with your vast knowledge on all things Winchester, much appreciated!!
Tom Graham - Salmon, Idaho
pdog72 said
On the subject of muzzle diameters as they relate to ’94 short rifles, see below. For comparison, I have 26″ standard length and carbines shown as well.Not necessarily concrete, but just what I’ve taken time to measure from my collection. Some groups just have a few examples, others 1/2 dozen or better. I did not include standard 1/2 octagon barrels as they are obviously lighter (more like .680). For the ELWs, I did leave the 1/2 OB rifles in the average as they measure out the same.
Of note, some of these rifles are in the letterable range, others not, but I believe they are all factory original configurations, or I would not still own them.
Second, there are (4) “long wood” specimens in the 22″ Std. section (three that letter). They do not measure out any heavier than the others in that category. Knowing that, it’s my opinion that “long wood” does not necessarily indicate a factory cut down. I still believe that may have happened on occasion, I just don’t own any that have long wood and a noticeably heavier muzzle. A 26″ std. weight barrel cut down to 20″ would be closer to .750. Although it doesn’t seem like that much difference, its usually noticeable without even measuring it.
Std. Wt. 26″ Avg Std. Wt. 24″ Avg Std. Wt. 22″ Avg Std. Wt. 20″ Avg 0.695 0.702 0.714 0.729
ELW Wt. 24″ Avg ELW Wt. 22″ Avg 0.564 0.573
Carb. 0.602
Just reading this thread from last year. My 22” rd bl short rifle which was mentioned & pictured above by Henry(Ser 137757), has long wood 9-3/8 and is exactly 0.714 as described. My 26” rd bl is also exact to the measurement 0.695.
Rick C
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