new to the forum but not new to firearms. I love all brands of quality firearms especially Winchester. I live in the Ozarks and have my own shooting range and am a published author (magazine articles not books)
I have a new toy, a Winchester model 43 custom in 17 Ackley bee. I am trying to decide whether or not to find a 218 bee barrel and put the rifle back to 218 bee or leave it alone, rifle was built in 1950. I have owned several 43’s over the years but this one is particularly tight with a good trigger. only complaint is the safety lever could be less loose. is there a way to tighten it?
so far my best group with the bee is a 3 shot group measuring .276 with 25 gr Berger hp bullets in front of 13.2 gr of h4198sc powder.
Hello Bob,
I too am a published author (both a book and magazine articles). Specifically, I recently wrote and published an article (in the WACA Collector magazine) discussing the Model 43 rifle. My favorite cartridge in the Model 43 is the 22 Hornet.
In regards to your Model 43 rifle, I would be inclined to leave it as is based on how well it shoots. I am assuming that you believe that it was originally a 218 Bee because it stall has its original bolt ? What is the serial number etched on the bottom of the bolt? What is the serial number on the receiver? Is it an “A” series receiver?
I have not ever looked closely at the safety switch to see if it can be readily tightened/adjusted, so at this time, I cannot answer that question for you.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
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