November 7, 2015

Two weeks from now I hope to be halfway to Cody! If y’all are half as excited as I am it would be best if they just closed the highways to everyone but WACA members! Looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones has helped me through some tough times this year and will help me in the coming year. I cherish every one of you, please have a safe trip!
So, tell me, what are you bringing? What are you looking for? Are you bringing the Winchester R&R log book you found in the garage sale?
Sure wish I could make it, as a newer member I would really like to see what its all about and further my Winchester education. Alas, I just couldn’t stomach the prices on just about everything from plane tickets to rental cars. Maybe it will cool down for next year. Have fun all
We’ll be there. This will be our 24th consecutive Cody show! I will be doing a single gun display (Eskimo Seal Gun, a ’94 carbine that once belonged to Glenn Hockett). Sale table will be mostly dogs and cats with the exception of the Model 1894 16″ barrel trapper that I wrote about in the Summer 2013 issue of “The Winchester Collector”. Stop by the table and say “Howdy”!
WACA Life Benefactor Member
NRA Life Member
I will fly into Cody and I can tell you that everything is way more expensive than last year. $1000 can’t even cover the flight for me. Luckily I don’t have to rent a car and we have been staying at the same motel for years and get a small discount on the room. Honestly this trip could easily cost $2000 if you fly, rent a car and stay in a motel, not including other things like food. Based upon my last 3 flights I can’t guarantee which day I might arrive or get back home. Got into Tulsa 9 hours late and had to spent an extra night in Cody last year waiting to get out.
November 7, 2015

With a bit of planning and luck this may have been a good year to fly. I’m figuring $500 for gas and about $1100 for lodging, $300 of that en route. I have a feeling meals won’t be cheap but I don’t eat out often so it doesn’t really matter. Looking forward to seeing and learning about that seal gun, Rick. I always enjoy the displays at collector shows, great learning opportunities!
Hope you can make it next year, Matt. It truly is an opportunity to learn about the guns we love and meet some of the best minds in the hobby. Shows are investments, just like reference books. If you learn something that helps you avoid a bad decision or recognize a treasure they’re worth every penny! I have bought some exceptional guns at this and other shows and have been able to study other guns that interest me. Slipping over to the Cody Firearms Museum is an opportunity you won’t want to pass on while you’re in town. On top of that, Cody is a nice little town. Most places I go I can walk if I want to and do the tourist thing if the mood strikes me.
Hope you can make Cody some year soon, Matt. I’m looking forward to meeting you.
November 7, 2015

Got here this afternoon, nice little shower cooled things down a bit. Had a fine dinner at Irma’s and I’m ready for a gun show!
I won’t be there again this year, but two or three of my Winchesters may be. I don’t know if Poulin Auctions attend the Cody Show. If they do, my “Historic” 1866 Carbine, 1876 Short Rifle, and my 1873 Smooth Bore might be on display there. They go on auction in November. In any case hope all’s as well as can be. From Arizona, take Care Mike, Larry N. (Apache, ya ta hey)
November 7, 2015

apache said
Mike;I won’t be there again this year, but two or three of my Winchesters may be. I don’t know if Poulin Auctions attend the Cody Show. If they do, my “Historic” 1866 Carbine, 1876 Short Rifle, and my 1873 Smooth Bore might be on display there. They go on auction in November. In any case hope all’s as well as can be. From Arizona, take Care Mike, Larry N. (Apache, ya ta hey)
I’m sorry you won’t be here, it’s shaping up to be a great show. I haven’t found what I’m looking for yet but I’ll keep trying. I haven’t seen Poulin yet but I don’t spend a lot of time at the auction tables. Will look later today.
I saw your guns today, they are awesome! Looks like lots of good stuff coming up on the November auction.
Best Regards,
WACA Life Member #6284 - Specializing in Pre-64 Winchester .22 Rimfire
November 7, 2015

JWA said
Mike,I saw your guns today, they are awesome! Looks like lots of good stuff coming up on the November auction.
Best Regards,
Maybe you meant Larry’s Guns. Please point them out to me tomorrow, I was not sure which ones were his and I was a bit distracted.
Got home from the show at 10 PM last night. Had some flight issues but got home on time. Had a really good time and it was nice to see old faces and meet some new ones. Didn’t find anything I really wanted and nothing that I couldn’t go home without. Sadly my next show probably won’t be until the January Vegas show, but who knows.
November 7, 2015

Chuck said
Got home from the show at 10 PM last night. Had some flight issues but got home on time. Had a really good time and it was nice to see old faces and meet some new ones. Didn’t find anything I really wanted and nothing that I couldn’t go home without. Sadly my next show probably won’t be until the January Vegas show, but who knows.
Was good visiting with you, Chuck. Glad the trip home went well enough, by today’s standards anyway. If you can’t make it until the Vegas show come on down to the TGCA show in Denton, TX 10/21-23. Good bunch of folks and much easier to hear.
It was great seeing everyone who attended the show this year, and sharing a table with Mike again (TXGunNut). For the first time in more than 15-years, I actually sold several Winchesters. Jeff (JWA) managed to cajole me into selling him one of my Single Shot rifles.
I departed Cody at 9:00 AM local time and eventually rolled into my driveway at 1:45 AM this morning. It was a long 17+ hour day on the road, and I covered 980-miles doing it… my odometer rolled over the 364,000 mile mark just before I arrived home, the old Dodge Cummins is still running strong!
p.s. I slept in until 10:00 am this morning… still beat from the trip home.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
November 7, 2015

Be it ever so humble there’s no place like home! Just got the car unloaded and started the laundry. Since I headed out immediately after the show I elected to spread my 1307 mile drive over three days. It was good sharing a table with Bert, he helped me add to my reference library and tried to impart some of his considerable knowledge to my addled brain. I haven’t slept in for quite some time but as soon as I hit “Submit Reply” I’m going to take my first nap in over a week!
Was good visiting with you, Chuck. Glad the trip home went well enough, by today’s standards anyway. If you can’t make it until the Vegas show come on down to the TGCA show in Denton, TX 10/21-23. Good bunch of folks and much easier to hear.
I have been to the TGCA several times but not in the last few years. When I went it was still in Fort Worth.
Bert H. said
For the first time in more than 15-years, I actually sold several Winchesters. Jeff (JWA) managed to cajole me into selling him one of my Single Shot rifles.
Does that mean I have to wait another 15 years before you will let me buy the low wall you also brought for show-and-tell? 😉
Glad everyone made it home safe, I enjoyed visiting with everyone and can’t wait for the next show!
Best Regards,
WACA Life Member #6284 - Specializing in Pre-64 Winchester .22 Rimfire
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