To be clear I’m looking for the Winchester 1876, 1877, and/or March 1878 Catalogs. Which are noted as having been made by Ron Stadt in a series of articles in our very own WACA Collector Magazine from Winter 1984 to Spring 1986. Mr. Stadt’s articles list specific details about the catalogs.
On page 24 of the Spring 1985 Collector his article lists all three of these Catalogs as been made by Winchester. He notes the “1876 catalog”, the “1877 Catalog Revised price list March 1, first to list Model 1876”, and “March 1, 1878 Catalog 50 pages Replica Exists”.
I already have a replica of the MAY 1878 catalog issued in 1966 by the Olin Mathison Chemical Corporation. And a while back I purchased Cornell’s “January 1876 Catalog.” Which I don’t know where they got that date from, or who supplied it to them. As it is an exact copy, and I mean exact with no changes whatsoever, of the 1875 Catalog shown in Vol. 1 of the 1991 Armory Publications 10 Volume Set. Which in my opinion Cornell’s can not be a January 1876 Catalog as on page 61 it shows the 1874 Reloading Tool and not the 1875 Reloading Tool. There is a 1st Issue & a 2nd Issue of the 1875 Catalog. 1st Issue shows the 1874 Tool, and 2nd Issue shows the 1875 Tool.
Again if anyone has original copies of these three catalogs, I’d like to correspond with them for my research with Reloading Tools.
I’m not trying to buy your copy of the catalog, if you have one.
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