November 5, 2014

Hi Ted-
Thanks for correcting me!!! For some reason I had it in my head that the rifle was a 270 WCF (probably senility ).
Looking closer, the caliber stamp is in Style 3B, where the caliber designation was created using a roll die (not a stamp) that was separate from the barrel address roll die. It was the last style used before Winchester went to one-piece roll marking dies (that included the caliber) in 1950. That’s also when the caliber designation was changed from 30 GOV’T’06 to 30-06 SPRG. So the caliber stamp on this rifle is correct for 1949.
WACA 9519; Studying Pre-64 Model 70 Winchesters
Louis Luttrell said
Hi Mr. James-Thank you for posting the photos. Your rifle (S/N 127182) does indeed apepar to be a very nice example of G7054C, i.e. Model 70 Super Grade rifle in 270 WCF with Winchester 22G rear sight.
I thought I’d offer a couple of observations from the M70 survey that might interest you or other readers. One is that 1949 seems to have been a good year for M70 Super Grades, as there are quite a few recorded with serial numbers close to yours. While your S/N is “new” to the survey, the closest numbers to it that I have recorded (including all styles) are S/Ns 127166 and 127187. Both Super Grade rifles in 30 GOV’T’06. The closest 270 WCF Super Grades recorded to date are S/Ns 127088 and 127237.
Another point of interest regards the floor plate marking. You’ll notice that on your rifle the “carrots” at the beginning and end point inwards, i.e. >SUPER GRADE<, as opposed to outwards like the vast majority of SG floor plates, i.e. . This is a recognized floor plate variant, and it’s notable that several other SGs in the survey from around this time are similarly marked. I do not know what the floor pate looked like on every SG I have recorded (photos are not always available), but around yours, S/Ns 127088, 127839, 128034, 129610, 130120 and 130732 are marked >SUPER GRADE<.
A couple of the 270 WCF SGs in my personal collection are S/Ns 127935 and 135189. 127935 was engraved by John Kusmit (lead factory engraver at the time) so the floor plate isn’t informative, but 135189 also has the same >SUPER GRADE< floor plate was yours.
If you get the chance I’d like to see (for the survey) pics of the barrel roll marking and the front sight. I believe the front sight “should” be a Redfield 254 full gold bead (0.310″ tall from bottom of dovetail to top of sight), but the purpose of doing a survey is to figure out if that’s true. Whatever anyone might tell you, there’s no reason to look underneath the barrel of your rifle for a “SUPER” stamp, as the M70 SG barrels were not routinely stamped “SUPER” until the factory went back to rust bluing SG barrels in 1955.
Here you go Lou, photo of the front site for your lexicon, and a pic of that floorplate after a wipedown…
November 5, 2014

Hi Mr. James-
That looks 100% legit to me, as best as one cal tell from photos…
Care to venture an asking price based on what you’ve already heard or still waiting for offers? I don’t need one or I’d be contacting you by PM…
WACA 9519; Studying Pre-64 Model 70 Winchesters
November 5, 2014

In about mid-1946, with the advent of the “transition” receiver. In standard (not H&H) receivers this was around S/N 60,500 give or take… Smooth D&T bridge, bolt handle w/o the earlier shoulder, but still cloverleaf tang.
WACA 9519; Studying Pre-64 Model 70 Winchesters
Louis Luttrell said
Hi Mr. James-That looks 100% legit to me, as best as one cal tell from photos…
Care to venture an asking price based on what you’ve already heard or still waiting for offers? I don’t need one or I’d be contacting you by PM…
My perfect world of a hassle free in person exchange jas me in the mind of 3,000.
Anything involving shipping more likely 3250-3500 depending on the hassle is what I am aiming for.
Thank you all, I have listed the piece on with no reserve and a starting bid of $0.01 in case anybody is interested in acquiring it… Should I create a new post on the boards or just mention it here?
Thank you for all of your time and interest (Looking at you Lou)
Listed under bolt action rifles as Item #:1037553028
Look like you got a good price for it ($3140). When I first saw your listing I was worried for you as you are a new seller on gunbroker with no feedback. Often, buyers are reluctant to bid (especially when thousands of dollars are involved) from a seller who has no feedback. But it looks like you did just fine
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