November 7, 2015

mrcvs said
This rifle just hammered at $2900. With buyer’s premium, that’s about $3400. Probably exactly what it is worth.I didn’t bid on it. While nice, there are other things that are more exciting.
Agreed. I bought a similar but much better optioned SS a few years back for a little less money. As nice as this auction rifle is it would not tempt me at that price.
clarence said
mrcvs said
This rifle just hammered at $2900. With buyer’s premium, that’s about $3400. Probably exactly what it is worth.
Didn’t realize you were talking about a gun in an auction, esp. a major one! Then I’d have said forget it!
Why would that matter? If it was appealing to me at $3400, which it was not, what would it matter if I paid the same $3400 to a private seller or an auction house?
TXGunNut said
mrcvs said
This rifle just hammered at $2900. With buyer’s premium, that’s about $3400. Probably exactly what it is worth.
I didn’t bid on it. While nice, there are other things that are more exciting.
Agreed. I bought a similar but much better optioned SS a few years back for a little less money. As nice as this auction rifle is it would not tempt me at that price.
I was trying to find an antique Winchester to buy to keep the complimentary catalogues coming, as I haven’t bought anything in a year from them. It was tough finding anything worthwhile at the right price. Perry White’s stuff was nice, but either had problems or went too high.
I ended up empty handed. Let’s see if I get catalogues still next year.
This auction house used to have better bargains. Perhaps they have become too well known now.
mrcvs said
Why would that matter? If it was appealing to me at $3400, which it was not, what would it matter if I paid the same $3400 to a private seller or an auction house?
Because there’s no such thing as a “good deal” in an auction (not to mention the fees & taxes piled on), whereas a private collector who was serious about selling wouldn’t be aiming for top dollar. How do you think dealers buy guns? Not by paying top dollar in an auction.
mrcvs said
TXGunNut said
mrcvs said
This rifle just hammered at $2900. With buyer’s premium, that’s about $3400. Probably exactly what it is worth.
I didn’t bid on it. While nice, there are other things that are more exciting.
Agreed. I bought a similar but much better optioned SS a few years back for a little less money. As nice as this auction rifle is it would not tempt me at that price.
I was trying to find an antique Winchester to buy to keep the complimentary catalogues coming, as I haven’t bought anything in a year from them. It was tough finding anything worthwhile at the right price. Perry White’s stuff was nice, but either had problems or went too high.
I ended up empty handed. Let’s see if I get catalogues still next year.
This auction house used to have better bargains. Perhaps they have become too well known now.
Is Perry White still alive? If he is, I believe he would be 95.
clarence said
mrcvs said
Why would that matter? If it was appealing to me at $3400, which it was not, what would it matter if I paid the same $3400 to a private seller or an auction house?
Because there’s no such thing as a “good deal” in an auction (not to mention the fees & taxes piled on), whereas a private collector who was serious about selling wouldn’t be aiming for top dollar. How do you think dealers buy guns? Not by paying top dollar in an auction.
There are some good deals in auctions, you just have to find them. That’s why dealers buy at auction. Find the deals and then resell at retail. A private collector sometimes sells at under true value, but rarely. If this rifle is truly worth around $3400, what’s it matter if you pay a private collector that, or bid $2900 at auction and get to $3400 with the buyer’s premium? Same end result.
steve004 said
mrcvs said
TXGunNut said
mrcvs said
This rifle just hammered at $2900. With buyer’s premium, that’s about $3400. Probably exactly what it is worth.
I didn’t bid on it. While nice, there are other things that are more exciting.
Agreed. I bought a similar but much better optioned SS a few years back for a little less money. As nice as this auction rifle is it would not tempt me at that price.
I was trying to find an antique Winchester to buy to keep the complimentary catalogues coming, as I haven’t bought anything in a year from them. It was tough finding anything worthwhile at the right price. Perry White’s stuff was nice, but either had problems or went too high.
I ended up empty handed. Let’s see if I get catalogues still next year.
This auction house used to have better bargains. Perhaps they have become too well known now.
Is Perry White still alive? If he is, I believe he would be 95.
Yes to both.
Sorry I have to chime in here. Who cares where the gun comes from? The value is what it is whether it comes from an auction, a dealer. or private sale. And I’m willing to bet all of you know the value of your guns and please don’t pull my leg and tell me you would sell them for less.
oldcrankyyankee said
And I’m willing to bet all of you know the value of your guns and please don’t pull my leg and tell me you would sell them for less.
You’ve never had to raise money in a hurry due to some unexpected emergency? Or maybe it wasn’t really an emergency, but something you’d been looking for all your life suddenly became available, & you lacked the cash to buy it without selling something else for the best you could get at the time. If every collector got top dollar when selling, it would mean the end of gun shows, because the dealers wouldn’t be able to buy anything.
clarence said
oldcrankyyankee said
And I’m willing to bet all of you know the value of your guns and please don’t pull my leg and tell me you would sell them for less.
You’ve never had to raise money in a hurry due to some unexpected emergency? Or maybe it wasn’t really an emergency, but something you’d been looking for all your life suddenly became available, & you lacked the cash to buy it without selling something else for the best you could get at the time. If every collector got top dollar when selling, it would mean the end of gun shows, because the dealers wouldn’t be able to buy anything.
Are going to tell me that dealers aren’t speculators in a different coat of fur? You yourself earlier said sarcastically that your heart breaks for speculators. Aren’t we all just that, speculators? We all hope that our guns increase in value whether for ourselves or for our loved ones to try to carry on the tradition of collecting. And I don’t have enough fingers and toes to count the unscrupulous “dealers” out there that buy guns and then turn them into a simply marvelous classic collectable fire arm waiting for a sap.
oldcrankyyankee said
Aren’t we all just that, speculators?
I’m not. I’ve never bought a gun with the intention of reselling it. If, years later, I did resell it–because interests change if your brain isn’t petrified–it was to finance the purchase of another gun, though I always tried, if possible, to make trades.
Of course dealers are speculators, as is anyone else who buys only to resell at a higher price; why would you think I doubted that? Think I’ve never heard of Herschell Chaddick?
November 7, 2015

clarence said
oldcrankyyankee said
Aren’t we all just that, speculators?
I’m not. I’ve never bought a gun with the intention of reselling it. If, years later, I did resell it–because interests change if your brain isn’t petrified–it was to finance the purchase of another gun, though I always tried, if possible, to make trades.
Of course dealers are speculators, as is anyone else who buys only to resell at a higher price; why would you think I doubted that? Think I’ve never heard of Herschell Chaddick?
I’m not either, my goal is to build a collection that interests me. If I can buy a few along the way that I feel are undervalued I’ll do so but I don’t always sell them. My strategy is a bit self-defeating because my Winchesters are now mostly “keepers” and I have only a couple to take to the shows I love. I have no heirs that have any interest in my collection other than cash value so that’s not a consideration.
I did sell some guns about 16 years ago when I decided to not sway from my main area of collecting anymore. I also sold 6 about 12 years ago so I could buy 1 good one when my friend passed away. In the years since I bought 3 of them back. Recently I have been thinking of selling some of my hunting guns to make room in the safe. I have not hunted since 2015. My daughter has said she would like to keep one of my guns. I really don’t have anyone else to pass them on. I’ve done my best to prepare my wife and daughter so they know how and where to get rid of the stuff I have.
Speculation has never been a part of my collecting but it would be nice if my family gets a good deal when I’m gone.
November 7, 2015

I will admit to telling my Edward Jones guy that I’m investing in blue steel and walnut. He knows I hate commodities investing.
Chuck said I really don’t have anyone else to pass them on.
Probably wouldn’t matter if you did–more often than not, their only value to heirs is in coin of the realm, & the quicker converted, the better. My much missed friend James McBroom was an exception, as his son shared his interests, but there aren’t many. My stuff (not much) goes to whomever will take the trouble to come & get it. (Are you listening, JWA?)
clarence said
Chuck said I really don’t have anyone else to pass them on.
Probably wouldn’t matter if you did–more often than not, their only value to heirs is in coin of the realm, & the quicker converted, the better.
Clarence, I understand but don’t really care what my wife and daughter do.
My youngest brother may get some of our Dad’s and Grandfather’s guns, maybe? My niece’s husband and son do show some interest in guns. We’ll have to see. My other brother and sister would just sell the guns, even the family guns.
I have called my guns marketable equities. I am going to say that reading some of the last posts that Iam feeling very lucky then as my son, who is now in his early 30’s is all about the collecting and preserving my collection. could not imagine what it would be like to do this and have no one to carry on with it.. sad
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