Hello Jim,
Yes, it is correct for Model 94 S/N 1371343 to have a blank upper tang. Winchester discontinued marking the upper tangs in August of 1942 at S/N 1343183. S/N 1371343 was manufactured in June 1946. Which caliber is it? Does it have a flat front barrel band?
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
The caliber is “32 W.S.” (Winchester Special) versus 32 WCF.
The 32 WCF (a.k.a. 32-20) is a short (pistol length) cartridge first chambered in the Model 1873, and then in the Models 1892, 53, 65 lever-actions, and finally in the Model 43 bolt-action.
Your Model 94 is a Post-War, pre Flat-band Carbine.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
November 7, 2015

Looks like a nice, honest carbine, James. I’d run a lightly oiled patch through the bore to see if it needs cleaning and then check to verify the action moves smoothly. If everything checks out I’d wipe it down carefully and call it good. What are your plans for this 32 Special?
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