Just wondering if my low wall 1885 is working correctly. Mine was made in 1891 in .32-20. My question is, when i move the lever down and the extractor raises up i won’t go back down unless i slightly move my lever up. So when i load a round the round won’t slide into the chamber unless i move the lever some then my round can be pushed completely in. Hope this explanation helps. Great gun had it for 5 years just something i was wondering about.
You should be able to push the cartridge (and extractor) fully into the chamber without the need to manually move the lever & breech block. Simply give it a firm push and the lever should move slightly as the extractor bears against it. If the lever will not move freely without manually moving it in hand, you should disassemble and clean & lubricate the internals on your low-wall.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
Thanks bert. I give it a try. the extractor always has felt kind of solid when i pushed against the cartridge so i didn’t overdo it. Next time out i’ll give the round a little harder push see what happens. I took the gun apart a few months ago and it was surprisingly pretty clean inside. Pain in the butt getting everything lined back up. That extractor did not want to stay lined up. Had to make a shorter link cross pin to hold everything together then i could push my gun’s link pin in to push out my shorter one.
joe45c said Pain in the butt getting everything lined back up. That extractor did not want to stay lined up. Had to make a shorter link cross pin to hold everything together then i could push my gun’s link pin in to push out my shorter one.
Joe, I’ve done it at least a 100 times, & found it no easier on the hundredth time than on the first. I’ve tried to analyze carefully what I did differently when it finally went back together after a doz or more failed attempts, but could never figure it out.
Bet you’re just not pushing the case in with enough force; like Bert said the lever “jumps” when the case seats fully in the chamber.
Next time i have it out i’ll give it a little harder push. What got me thinking about was watching utube vids and seeing everybody just push their rounds in without moving the lever. Up until then i just figured the extractor would stay out until i moved the lever. Now i’ll just have to break the habit of moving the lever to load it.
November 7, 2015

Bert H. said
Chuck said
I think I need that book.
I truly believe that all of on this forum could benefit from it!
I resemble that generalization but will do my best to stay the course. Probably out of print anyway.
Bert H. said
joe45c said
Ok just pulled out my low wall and brought the lever down and gave the extractor a little harder push and YES it did go in. So thanks guys been doing it all wrong all these years, but i’m straight with the world now. joe
You know what they say… “Even an old dog can learn a new trick.”
Well i’m for sure a old dog.
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