Bert H. said
That is an extremely nice old Model 1873. Due to its large number of unique special order features, it could easily be a true “one-of-a-kind” rifle.Bert
I have to agree with you Bert!
I’ll get first crack at it, just need to determine what it’s “worth” before I try to make an offer.
jsgwoodsman said
Bert H. said
That is an extremely nice old Model 1873. Due to its large number of unique special order features, it could easily be a true “one-of-a-kind” rifle.
I have to agree with you Bert!
I’ll get first crack at it, just need to determine what it’s “worth” before I try to make an offer.
I would expect to pay something north of $10K for it, but don’t really have an idea how much north you will need to go.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
WACA Life Member--- NRA Life Member---- Cody Firearms member since 1991 Researching the Winchester 1873's
Email: [email protected]
1873man said
I picked up two Swiss Butt 73’s over the years. Both letter with the same configuration including the Beech front and Folding peep tang sights. Paid $8300 for the one with better case in 97 and $7300 in 09 for the other one. I would like to get the serial number for my research.Bob
Bob – that is an amazing pair or rifles. I went back and forth between the two photos trying to verify they were indeed two different rifles. Other than the case color difference, I would still be thinking they were the same rifle. I think those rifles are now worth more than you paid
Steve, I agree with you, as both of those rifles that Bob are showing for comparison are extremely nice!
steve004 said
Jeremy P said
INteresting set of options….almost an 1873 version of a Schuetzen
Yes, I agree. I’m a bit surprised that the original owner didn’t order set triggers.
I also wonder how many nickeled M62B sights we see? None in my experience.
I can agree also, as al three don’t seem to have been ordered with the set trigger, as most of us would have expected to see, from experience and viewing special ordered rifles from Winchester.
Bob has the most extensive 62B sight collection of anybody I’ve ever known. If he’s never seen one nickeled before, one could only guess to how that came to be, as the sight looks to be on the rifle a long time, as the Letter states. We know the Shuetzen style but plate was nickeled over brass when mfg. as a standard practice, in most cases.
WACA Life Member--- NRA Life Member---- Cody Firearms member since 1991 Researching the Winchester 1873's
Email: [email protected]
1873man said
Here is a nickeled 62b on one of mine. The gun letter 32 Cal, 26″ octagon barrel, nickeled, plain trigger and Folding peep sight. The other two guns with the Swiss butts are about 1000 serials apart.Bob
Bob – are you thinking your 62B sight was originally nickeled? And if so, would Lyman have done that or Winchester?
1873man said
I picked up two Swiss Butt 73’s over the years. Both letter with the same configuration including the Beech front and Folding peep tang sights. Paid $8300 for the one with better case in 97 and $7300 in 09 for the other one. I would like to get the serial number for my research.Bob
Thanks for weighing in. Those are both exceptional examples! Serial number is: 242358
The letter stated that it was received and shipped the same day. I can’t recall that date but think the year was 1887.
1873man said
Here is a nickeled 62b on one of mine. The gun letter 32 Cal, 26″ octagon barrel, nickeled, plain trigger and Folding peep sight. The other two guns with the Swiss butts are about 1000 serials apart.Bob
I have no doubts that the 62B sight on this 1873 was nickeled at the same time as the rifle. But do doubt there’s a way to prove one way or the other that it was done at the factory. Aside from examining other high condition examples (that are both nickel plated and factory supplied with the 62B) for reference.
Anthony said
We know the Shuetzen style but plate was nickeled over brass when mfg. as a standard practice, in most cases.
You’re correct in that statement. This rifle actually shows more wear in the butt plate finish than anywhere else. It was either shouldered a great deal but otherwise kept in very good condition, or the brass plated nickel finish doesn’t hold up well in a friction area such as that. Here’s a picture of the Swiss buttplate and one of the carrier. Both nickel plated brass but the buttplate showed considerable finish loss whereas the carrier shows almost none.
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