Awesome Mark!
Thanks for sharing and I am looking forward to seeing you (and your ’95s) next week!
Best Regards,
WACA Life Member #6284 - Specializing in Pre-64 Winchester .22 Rimfire
Although Im not an 1895 collector, youve got some really great looking rifles and carbines that I would certainly welcome to the household provided I had the means and opportunity. Great video as always Mark, I have thoroughly enjoyed this one and the many others youve produced.
1892takedown ......NRA Endowment Life Member.....WACA Member
"God is is good.....and people are crazy"... Billy Currington
November 7, 2015

Nice! Thanks for taking the time to dig thru your 1895 collection. I’m sure enjoying the one you let me make off with awhile back.
steve004 said
Mark – this was very cool. I am indeed a M1895 fan
Thanks Steve. Seems like most Winchester collectors either love them or hate them. I’ve been a big fan of the 30-06 since I bought my first hunting rifle in that caliber at 12 years old. When I started collecting Winchesters many years later, it was only natural to gravitate to the 1895. I’ve since gained an appreciation for several of the other 1895 calibers as well. Mark
November 7, 2015

Quite honestly I’ll never be mistaken for an 1895 fan but I enjoyed seeing the contents of your 1895 safe. Very curious about what you’re bring to the show.
Safe travels, y’all!
TXGunNut said
Mark-Quite honestly I’ll never be mistaken for an 1895 fan but I enjoyed seeing the contents of your 1895 safe. Very curious about what you’re bring to the show.
Safe travels, y’all!
Mike, I’m thinking about bringing the “Yard Stick”, but just for show. The serial number 64 rifle in 38-72 will be on the table though. Mark
November 7, 2015

Mark Douglas said
TXGunNut said
Quite honestly I’ll never be mistaken for an 1895 fan but I enjoyed seeing the contents of your 1895 safe. Very curious about what you’re bring to the show.
Safe travels, y’all!
Mike, I’m thinking about bringing the “Yard Stick”, but just for show. The serial number 64 rifle in 38-72 will be on the table though. Mark
I’m bringing some of my .22 collection, all for show. Nothing fancy; just nice, original guns. Will also have that pristine Model 12 that followed me home recently. Been a rough year and I’m trying to retire so probably won’t be looking to buy much. The 38-72 is an intriguing cartridge. I think I have a bullet mould it would like.
Looking forward to seeing you and that beautiful Colt collector.
oliver said
Hi Mark,Outstanding collection of 95s but I dint see a 30-03 SRC.
Do you have one or did I miss something .
My collection is pretty heavy to rifles. The closest I have is a 303 British carbine, but it didn’t make the cut for this presentation.
We’ll both be looking forward to seeing you and getting the chance to visit at Cody.
November 7, 2015

i saw the younger sister (3??? serial number?) to your SN 64 38-72 at CFM today. The octagon barrel is an attractive variant. Good thing I’m not an 1895 fan.
TXGunNut said –
I’m bringing some of my .22 collection, all for show. Nothing fancy; just nice, original guns. Will also have that pristine Model 12 that followed me home recently. Been a rough year and I’m trying to retire so probably won’t be looking to buy much. The 38-72 is an intriguing cartridge. I think I have a bullet mold it would like.
Looking forward to seeing you and that beautiful Colt collector.
After pawing through some of Mike’s .22 collection today in Cody at the WACA show I have to say he is on the “honors course” to having an outstanding Winchester .22 collection! WACA gun shows are not only for selling items on a table but for displaying some of your prized possessions to the rest of the Winchester collecting community so we can see and touch these rare items to gain knowledge and insight to promote our own collections. This type of interaction with real, honest Winchesters is invaluable to new (and seasoned) collectors.
Mike, thanks for spending some time with me today and allowing me to drool on some of your eye candy!
Best Regards,
WACA Life Member #6284 - Specializing in Pre-64 Winchester .22 Rimfire
November 7, 2015

Thanks, Jeff! Coming from you that is high praise indeed. You and other members have been a big help to putting my little collection together, I almost wish I could have brought a few more.
Was fun to see the 1895’s Mark brought, that “yard stick” rifle is something that has to be seen in person to be truly appreciated. I hope their trip home is less eventful.
Enjoyed this video greatly! Keep up the good work.
P.S. Mark, I’ve contacted my lawyer and he said he can have the adoption papers sent over first thing in the morning. Just have you and your wife sign them first thing. I’ll even include the return postage with the paperwork. Never mind the fact I’m a grown man with three kids of my own.
WACA #8783 - Checkout my Reloading Tool Survey!
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