Oakridge wrote:
As to the ser.#177,822 rifle, I sold it in 1977 and I never had such an Email account, so I assume it was reported to you by a subsequent owner
That must be the case. What I did not note is whether the rifle was for sale or if it was just someone seeking input on it. But it is still out there alive and kicking. Or should that be recoiling?
Gobbler wrote:
Mike, you are doing a great job.
Thanks for your kind words. I am working with Keith Nix who is a WACA member and lives in Austalia. He is helping put together a data collection sheet and reference material to send out to members of the Winchester Colelctors Club in Australia and New Zealand. I am hoping this will pry open the door just a bit more to the rifles in that part of the world. Thanks again Keith if you check in here.
And, none of this would be possible if it were not for the interest and help from so many of the member on this forum. Thanks to all of you. I will be looking in Italy later this year also!
Model 1892 / Model 61 Collector, Research, Valuation
I have no 1892’s but I am going to take a look at this one at Cabelas on Friday. Do you have it in your survey? SN#33410
think it’s worth making an offer ??
The rifle would make a good rat killer gun but with the alteration on the left side of the receiver and the long scratch one the right side of the barrel (looks like it on the left also) and probable cold blue job of the same it is definitely overpriced. The barrel address should be the same as the photo. Please check and let me know.
Good luck
Model 1892 / Model 61 Collector, Research, Valuation

I don’t know if you received my PM yesterday about my confusion but I picked up that 1892 and will send you its info when I finish cleaning it up a little. I’m thinking about using it to learn how to post pictures on the forum. It’s a 38 WCF takedown with a sling with Winchester sling eyes and a sling with correct sling hooks. I don’ think the sling itself is the original one though.
If you dont mind, could you send me the information on your takedown 1892 rifle as well. I am collecting information on 92 takedowns only (buttstock type, barrel shape, caliber, magazine tube length, sights, deluxe, checked sytles, and any other special order features they may have and serial number). Any help is appreciated.
1892takedown @sbcglobal.net ......NRA Endowment Life Member.....WACA Member
"God is great.....beer is good.....and people are crazy"... Billy Currington
There is a good amount of bluing remaining on the barrel and mag tube, and the barrel markings are really vivid. The wood is very sound with no cracks or dents, but the varnish is all but worn off. The bore is mirror bright. If this rifle was from Lockport Police Department like is inscribed on the receiver it appears to have sat in a gun rack for most of it’s life. There is a mark on the top of the barrel from where it was leaning in the rack. Cabelas told me they would come down to $1,699 from $1,799, but that was a few weeks ago, and I didn’t ask again on Friday when I looked at it.
If you have some 1892s be sure to send Michael the info and pics. He will give you great feedback on your guns and add them to his data base. This is a good thing he is doing for all of us Winchester lovers!!
And do not forget Chris (1892Takedown) if it is a Takedown, you will get the same feedback.
The gathering of all of this 1892 data is a lot of work so we need to support both of these men.
January 26, 2011

One more for your survey, Michael. I picked up a rifle at the last gun show I had tables at and handed it off to a buddy the next day to go to auction. I did grab the serial # for your list, though.
1892 s/n 660767
Rifle, standard
38 WCF
Sorry, I dont have much more detail than that.

Bert, et. al.,
As I mentioned in some previous threads, I know I have a lemon (Bert let me down gently!) — but I would still like to nail down an approximate date of manufacture.
Here are a few pictures – I hope I’ve met the forum guidelines for posting pics. If not I apologize in advance.
In regards to the serial number, I can definitely make out the last two digits as "91", and in "real life" I can barely make out a "2" as the first digit. So I wonder based on that and the spacing of the dies, could that also help with a date?
I’m going to try what’s called the "Magnaflux Method" in forensics to try and image the serial number using a magnet and fine metal filings. You place a magnet behind the numbers and spray a fine mist of light oil and filings over the serial number and it’s supposed to fill in the indentations in order to visualize the numbers. Anyone ever try this?
Also, there are absolutely no other markings other than the caliber on the barrel, the trademark on the tang, and the serial number.
– TonyG
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