It’s nice that it’s a .45-90. Nice that it is not only an antique, but also it’s second year production. Fancy stocks that letter. Sights that letter. Looks clean. Has the receiver been cleaned? The barrel lettering doesn’t help. It makes me wonder if someone doesn’t know how to spell Ralph, or someone didn’t have a “p” stamp? As far as value, I think the fancy stocks that letter helps it this most. I’d have to hold it in my hands to come up with a number.
Nice looking rifle.
WACA #8783 - Checkout my Reloading Tool Survey!
November 7, 2015

Original barrel would certainly help this rifle immensely.
Personally I wouldn’t venture a guess , if the barrel ‘s been changed, not going by the pictures and the letter anyhow. I’ve had a few guns over the years that don’t match up to the letter upon initial investigation, but further scrutiny of the ledger entries shows there were misstrokes , omissions and additions in some “letters”. I for one would need to hold that gun in My hands to determine ,(in My mind), if the barrel is in fact a replacement. Just sayin’.
W.A.C.A. life member, Marlin Collectors Assn. charter and life member, C,S.S.A. member and general gun nut.
You’ve enjoyed the courtesy, of several members, helpful comments here, who have been so kind as to give you expert advice, and in kindness, don’t be afraid to offer these items here to members first, before you decide to take them to a show, and offer them up to Joe public. I’m sure that you’ve had a few PM’s, in you’re inbox. It’s definitely you’re prerogative and choice, on how and where you sell these items. This is my opinion. Thanks for sharing as we do enjoy seeing Winchesters and learning from the posted information.
Absolutely, as I completely understand, and would hope, that in his memory, you will hang onto whatever you choose to, or whatever he wanted you to.
When in doubt, do what you’re doing, by gathering the right information, and documenting anything that you can. Keeping them, and handing them down, isn’t always a bad thing, as it’s hard to put a price on sentimental value! I wish my father would have collected and had some Winchesters but, that’s a whole other story, and this isn’t the place nor the time for that. Instead, I will hand several down to my Sons and Grandsons, as time permits.
I mean no disrespect in my comments, as if you we’re to sell, no one more than the true Collectors here will appreciate them more than someone at a show looking to flip for a profit!
Take you’re time and enjoy what he collected.
Anthony said
Absolutely, as I completely understand, and would hope, that in his memory, you will hang onto whatever you choose to, or whatever he wanted you to.When in doubt, do what you’re doing, by gathering the right information, and documenting anything that you can. Keeping them, and handing them down, isn’t always a bad thing, as it’s hard to put a price on sentimental value! I wish my father would have collected and had some Winchesters but, that’s a whole other story, and this isn’t the place nor the time for that. Instead, I will hand several down to my Sons and Grandsons, as time permits.
I mean no disrespect in my comments, as if you we’re to sell, no one more than the true Collectors here will appreciate them more than someone at a show looking to flip for a profit!
Take you’re time and enjoy what he collected.
Anthony is dead-on – there are a great many “true” collectors here
November 7, 2015

Always room for another collector, we’re losing them every day! By the time you get familiar with all these treasures you may realize why your father spent all those years collecting them. Looks like he had very good taste and enjoyed shooting fine firearms!
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