The Beach combination sight is one of my favorites on Winchester rifles. Sometimes I find one with a damaged globe like this one. It is out of shape and not round. Any ideas on how to fix the globe?
I tried to remove the little set screw at the base of the post but it is not budging and I don’t want to booger up the slot. A jewelers screwdriver fits the slot.
If the post was out I would think a jewelers mandrel might work to re-shape the globe to round. It might need a custom made mandrel with a slot for the little post at the top of globe.
Here is one from my collection with an out of shape globe. Any ideas?
I call myself a collector as it sounds better than hoarder
Strikes me as a great deal of unnecessary trouble for the almost unnoticeable irregularity of this globe. Now if it was really squashed as some of them are, such extreme measures would be worth trying, but with this one you stand a chance of making a very minor problem worse.
That is not a set screw. It is a slot in the bottom of the bead post. I think I would try soaking it in penetrating oil and see what happens. However, sometime you’ll find them with a small peen mark along side the screw end, to set the post in place and keep it from turning. Might check that out also.
I’ve reshaped one that way.
WACA Life Member--- NRA Life Member---- Cody Firearms member since 1991 Researching the Winchester 1873's
Email: [email protected]
Was yours gold washed like this one is?
I’d be concerned about losing some of the gold wash when trying to reshape it, but I suppose it doesn’t hurt to try.
WACA #8783 - Checkout my Reloading Tool Survey!
Yes it was but your working on the ID. The OD is what you the see normally.
WACA Life Member--- NRA Life Member---- Cody Firearms member since 1991 Researching the Winchester 1873's
Email: [email protected]
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