I need such a dust cover, either original or a high quality repro. The type with an oval thumbprint, not the raised dome. Homestead Parts illustrates such a repro dust cover, but they show “Out Of Stock”. I cannot seem to “light a fire” under the Homestead owners after 4 months. Does anyone know where Homestead gets these dust covers? Or maybe there is another source out there?
There are only 30,000 first models so the demand is not there to make the part and not many get parted out if your looking for originals. You just have to keep watching.
WACA Life Member--- NRA Life Member---- Cody Firearms member since 1991 Researching the Winchester 1873's
Email: [email protected]
Just curious, Have you looked into having a machinist make you one?
WACA #8783 - Checkout my Reloading Tool Survey!
No, but am hoping that the maker for Homestead Parts comes through with more stock. The main cover could be made from rolled sheet steel, with light machining added. That “thumbprint” would probably have to be hand engraved, although some other options might be considered on a 1-part deal.
It has been a few years ago now that these well done repo dust covers showed up. Someone made a run of these in the 1st Raised Thumbprint, 1st Oval thumbprint and 2nd Model Thumbprint covers. I’m doubtful anyone will make a run of them again any time soon but you never know.
The Italians made a run of 1st Model Covers a while back but the thumbprint part is way off and doesn’t appear anything like the factory ones. They’re easy to spot and a lot will be stamped “Italy” on the backside.
WACA #8783 - Checkout my Reloading Tool Survey!
WACA Life Member--- NRA Life Member---- Cody Firearms member since 1991 Researching the Winchester 1873's
Email: [email protected]
I have been looking for this for 5 months. It must have been a buy-it-now, because I did not see this when searching eBay auctions two days ago. Thanks for sending. Just my damned luck it was gone!
I have called and emailed Homestead Parts repeatedly, with no reply. A strange way to run a business!
If your looking at hard to find parts you have to look everyday on ebay. I check it every evening. Another thing is contact Dr Winchester and tell him what your looking for so he gives you first shot at it. He is always parting out guns.
WACA Life Member--- NRA Life Member---- Cody Firearms member since 1991 Researching the Winchester 1873's
Email: [email protected]
1873man said
If your looking at hard to find parts you have to look everyday on ebay. I check it every evening.Bob
You can put a notice on Ebay so it will send you an email every time an item is listed for the description you specify. This saves you having to look on Ebay every day and hopefully snagging it before it is gone, especially if it is listed as “buy it now” and not listed as an auction.
A friend found and bought his Firebird that he had as a kid using this to notify him on Ebay.
The problem with saved searches on ebay is everybody lists gun parts and lists every model they make in the description just to get hits so your going to get many parts that have nothing to do with the model you want. I filter my searches with items I don’t want to see that commonly show up that are. You just put minus sign in front of a search item to eliminate it, like this.
WACA Life Member--- NRA Life Member---- Cody Firearms member since 1991 Researching the Winchester 1873's
Email: [email protected]
Yes, using Advanced Search all kinds of filters can be used. Then also different sellers will use some of the words Winchester, Mortise, 1st Model, Dust, Cover, Lid, 1873, M1873 in their descriptions — which means that I have set set up more than one search (which I have done). Thanks, Jim
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