During a recent discussion with another collector, the question came up how many Winchesters were produced in total(all models)prior to 1964 and overall total produced to 2006 pre Miroku .
I can’t remember ever seeing this, but I’m sure if someone knows it will be on this forum.
Rick C
Are you asking for the totals for all of the many dozens of Models that were manufactured from 1866 though 1963? If so, it is a huge number! Winchester (Olin) ceased firearms production is December 1980… not March 2006.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
If you have a copy of my reference book “The Red Book of WINCHESTER Values, 4th edition”, Chapter 8 has a listing of all the models manufactured through 1963 with published (but not necessarily accurate) production numbers.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
November 7, 2015

Bert H. said
If you have a copy of my reference book “The Red Book of WINCHESTER Values, 4th edition”, Chapter 8 has a listing of all the models manufactured through 1963 with published (but not necessarily accurate) production numbers.Bert
At least that would be a manageable number, if only an approximation. The number of firearms stamped “ Winchester” would be mind-boggling and possibly offensive to the conservative collector.
Robert Drummond Jr said
Hi Guys,Not to hijack the thread but where can you get a copy of The Red Book 4th edition? Bert do yo sell copies?
I have not had any in my inventory for a few years now. I do see them listed for sale in the used book market (at ridiculous prices). The original price (as printed on the back of the book) was $60. I am not going to do a “reprint” because the value numbers listed in the book are no longer accurate. I also want to update much of the technical information for a fair number of the Models listed in the book.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
Robert Drummond Jr said
Thanks Bert,I saw some really high prices like $165-$225 that was why I asked.
I shouldn’t be surprised, as I have seen the exact same thing happen with other Winchester reference books once they went out of print… the prices skyrocket
My problem, is that I have several different books that I intend to write & publish, and I can only work on one of them at a time. I also feel obligated to continue writing articles for the WACA Collector magazine and they too take time to research and write. Lately, I feel a lot like this poor fellow…
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
November 7, 2015

Tough call on the book projects, indeed, Bert. A revised Red Book would be the most useful to the most people in my humble opinion but it seems to me it would be a huge, mind-numbing undertaking. Probably one of the best arguments for AI that I can think of but I don’t think we’re ready for a computer to start analyzing gun sales….but that ship has likely sailed. I keep one Red Book within reach of my reading chair and another in my car for when I’m out trolling for orphans. I suspect coming up with meaningful numbers in today’s market may remind some of us of Don Quixote so maybe that one can wait a bit. Most of us here would enjoy and find useful some or all of your other book projects so there’s no pressure at all. We’ve all gotten used to your magazine articles, they have been helpful and inspirational to many of us.
Bottom line, do whatever YOU will enjoy the most. Personally I think research time spent at gun shows, museums, the shooting bench and loading bench would be a lot more fun than auction sites, museum records and the like but that’s your call. Life is short, book projects are long.
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