Got my magazine on Thursday night and took a quick look yesterday. I always look at the new members and see if I know any of them or the person who got them to sign up. I can’t believe how many have joined because of that Cinnabar guy! Obviously the best advertisement for the Club so far.
November 7, 2015

Chuck said
Got my magazine on Thursday night and took a quick look yesterday. I always look at the new members and see if I know any of them or the person who got them to sign up. I can’t believe how many have joined because of that Cinnabar guy! Obviously the best advertisement for the Club so far.
Yes, and if you’ll notice Vinny manages to recruit quite a few each issue. I work hard to recruit a few now and then but I’m in awe of these two. It took me a few years to learn to put my (correct) membership numbers on the applications so I didn’t get credit for a few. It doesn’t matter, I’m proud they joined! You may have noticed the Cody Museum doesn’t miss many chances to promote our association.
Here’s a tip; keep a few of the current “folders” on your table at collector shows. If you don’t have any Heather will send you a handful. (I restocked at the Cody show) If you have a good visit with a Winchester collector ask them to join our association and the Cody Museum. We lose members to time far too often and need new members to keep our hobby alive.
WACA is a wonderful organization and the “best kept secret” in the collecting community. Those of us hard core Winchester collectors know about it. The challenge is to reach those who have an interest in Winchesters but haven’t been exposed to the association and the tools and information available through membership. Reaching those people and helping to inspire their interest is the best way to ensure that our hobby survives and grows. That’s where the next generation of fellow Winchester addicts will come from. I think the association sells itself when people are exposed to it. Access to every issue of “The Winchester Collector” ever produced is worth far more than the cost of membership.
I also believe the tenor of this forum and the willingness to share information is a tremendous benefit. This is a gentlemen’s forum, with very little of the arrogance and combativeness that’s so prevalent on other firearms forums. People whose first exposure to the association is through this forum will have a positive impression if they don’t have to fear asking questions or sharing opinions. It reflects very well on WACA. Keep up the good work everyone. Mark
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