Looking to have an 1894 double close set trigger repaired… the set trigger doesn’t “set” when pushed forward. Rifle fires as normal from main trigger. I adjusted the screw with no change. I am not familiar with the internals and will leave them alone so not to further screw things up. Since the rifle didn’t letter with a double set trigger, I removed the entire lower tang/trigger assy. and replaced with a single trigger. Would appreciate assistance finding someone that knows what they’re doing to repair it. thanks in advance.
There is one guy that does it.
Also here is a link to a forum post talking about set trigger with a explanation of how they work and what can go wrong.
A set trigger is fairly simple once you know how they operate. Its either something broke, installed wrong or too much grime. With the whole tang out you should be able to see if the catch is working as you adjust the screw. Many time they are adjusted all the way in so the trigger does not set to save the set part from being broken. If its catching (setting) and clicks when the trigger is pulled then its one of the three things I said.
WACA Life Member--- NRA Life Member---- Cody Firearms member since 1991 Researching the Winchester 1873's
Email: [email protected]
Ben. I just finished a repair on a Winchester 1892 close coupled (double set) trigger and filmed the process with a view of the parts and explanations of how they work. I should have it posted on my YouTube channel (The Cinnabar) within the next couple of weeks. I’ll ad a link to it on this thread when it’s posted. Hopefully, it will help answer any questions you may have. Mark
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