November 7, 2015

Saw this on another forum, lost a good man. Most of us knew John Kort as w30wcf.
Sad news ……. John Kort’s Son-in-Law posted this elsewhere today: (yesterday)
With regrets I am here to let you members know that John “Jack” Kort passed away last night in his sleep peacefully.
I am Jack’s son-in-law and on behalf of the entire family, we would like to thank each of you for your prayers, support, and for being a friend of his.
You all know the knowledge, experience and love Jack had for the shooting sport and I hope the next guys up carry on in his tradition.
As an avid Marlin fan and hunter, I was amazed at what Jack knew and what he did with his knowledge.
I also had the honor of cleaning out his room where he made bullets and I can say I have never seen so much stuff!
Jack loved life and his savior Jesus Christ and now he is at rest with him.
We all shoot and some make bullets but for me there will never be another Jack.
An honestly good man with love for everyone.
Thanks again and keep the traditions going!
Thanks for posting that.
John had helped me a lot with some research into early gas-check bullets and the .30 WCF. He also gave me some cast bullets more than once. They made some really accurate .30-40 reduced loads, and just like the old days, I used them on snowshoe hare for meat-for-the-pot.
He authored an article for our magazine on the 44 WCF in the Summer 2016 issue. He also mentioned speaking at the Cody Show way back. I know it was in the old online issues, I’ll try to find it.
I have some papers here from him also. He was very generous with information. I have a few factory documents he said came from George Madis. One of them is a handwritten ballistics table from c. 1902-04 that I always like to look at. He was very knowledgeable on cartridges and it’s an appropriate item to see and think of him. Heck of a nice guy.
November 7, 2015

John was one of the folks on the Cast Boolit forum who told me about this forum. I knew him for years on that forum where he was always generous with his time and knowledge. He helped me directly on a few projects and I always made it a point to read his posts whenever I encountered them. I recall the Collector article you mentioned, Brad. It was especially well done on a subject he was very familiar with. John was one of the many casters on the Boolit board who never hesitates to put a handful (sometimes more) of bullets, gas checks or other items in the mail to fellow casters. He may have been one of the founders of our “pay it forward” tradition.
I feel pretty confident John helped dozens, maybe hundreds of casters directly and indirectly. John Kort was a very knowledgeable and gracious man, he will be missed.
TXGunNut said
John was one of the folks on the Cast Boolit forum who told me about this forum. I knew him for years on that forum where he was always generous with his time and knowledge…
“Generous” is almost an understatement. He provided me with many of his perfect cast bullets (since casting is not my forte) for my .44WCF experiments–best ones I ever used. He tried to convince me to try his BP .22LRs, hand-loaded using primed cases he’d acquired, but having little enthusiasm for BP bore-scrubbing, I foolishly declined.
First made his acquaintance on the CAS website, which I drifted away from a few yrs ago, having only marginal interest in that activity. What I most enjoyed on that site were his detailed “autopsies” of BP cartridges, which he dissected & analyzed, as well as providing a vast amount of other historical info.
Terribly saddening to learn he’s gone.
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