Hello all, I have a question regarding Mr Renneberg’s book that’s available on the site. If it’s already been discussed I apologize, but I looked and can’t find it anywhere.I thought I remember reading somewhere that it could not be published for some reason and I am sure others have already thought of this but, My question is as follows….. if enough people PRE bought the book, would that help a publisher be willing to publish it? I guess I am old school and like to have something to grab and thumb through(which happens more often than one would think). Given all the new information thats come to light I would think anyone who has either copy would be willing to buy the new one. Not that I am against the online version, but it would sure be good to add another hard copy to my small, but informative, little library.
thank you all for your time
November 7, 2015

I love my “hard copy” library but I’m also appreciative of Mr. Renneberg’s considerable efforts to bring us updated information on the 94 in electronic form. I’m aware of some arguments against publishing a physical book such as this today but like you I’d be more than willing to purchase a hard copy. Unfortunately I need to upgrade my IT department to enjoy Bob’s new edition.
November 7, 2015

Quite honestly I was just trying to add my voice to your lobbying efforts, Bill. I had a glimpse from the outside looking in on JWA’s effort in publishing a book and I’ve talked to other authors. It’s a labor of love to publish a book these days and quite frankly I don’t know how they do it. That’s why I cherish my little reference library, I know it represents several lifetimes of experience and research. We’re lucky to have a few of my favorite authors on our humble little forum, in addition to Robert Renneberg we have Bert Hartman, Jeff Abendshien, Rob Kassab, Brad Dunbar and occasionally Mike Venturino. There are probably others, lurking, just dropping in on occasion or have simply slipped my increasingly feeble little mind.
Just asking here but….
Why couldn’t a guy download the book and take the file to his local printer and ask them to print and bind a copy of the book?
I know it would not be cheep but you would have a hard copy.
I am NOT suggesting to do this for resale but for ones own convenience.
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