I have some antique repeating arms rifles (and other early to mid century arms) I’d like to have checked out in the Oklahoma City area, but I want to go to a place that has the passion and white-glove care for these firearms over a smith that slaps ARs together all day. I did a search on this forum and didn’t find anything, so I’m asking for any leads for reputable, experienced, and careful antique smiths in the OKC area you might have. Thanks in advance!
If I missed a topic already posed on this, kindly link me!
November 7, 2015

Good luck, the folks who cobble together “M4 Platform” weapons barely qualify as armorers, IMHO. They may hang out a “gunsmith” shingle but wouldn’t make a pimple on a good gunsmith’s ….Some can’t even match up barrels and gas systems correctly. Good gunsmiths stay busy and don’t need to advertise. Ask around at a gun club, range or collector gun show. Best bet is one who has had formal training and has at least one lathe and milling machine on the premises. A couple of the best gunsmiths I’ve used were actually very talented machinists. One makes his living in the aerospace biz but works on guns during slack time and between contracts. The other (Scott Williamson) worked for his dad, Lou Williamson, a very talented ‘smith. Scott and his dad are gone but not forgotten, like many truly talented gunsmiths. It’s a labor of love. Not many folks want to do it these days. I used to know one in El Reno but he was better known (at least to me) as a pistol smith. Here’s a hint, if you walk into the shop and don’t smell Kroil and thread cutting oil you may be in the wrong place. When you find a good gunsmith, cherish him! Bring him a bottle of his favorite liquor, send a birthday card every year, and NEVER a ask when your gun will be ready or what it will cost. If there are truly time constraints let him know. I had some custom guns built by Lou over the years and my mentor told me he only worked on the custom jobs when he was in the right frame of mind. I learned to respect that, custom guns took 1-2 years to build. He also had hunting guns to repair and he was also a warranty repair center for R-word rifles and shotguns. The price will be reasonable if you have selected wisely. No, I am NOT a gunsmith.
Good luck, happy hunting. We are only temporary custodians of these old Winchesters and they deserve to be fixed right!
Mike, As always, you wax eloquent! Plus accurately. Around here, there are several “gunsmiths” that I wouldn’t let touch any of my firearms. Then there is one rifle smith (modern only). Taught machining before. The fellow who restocked my Parker figures it was his last for a customer and wouldn’t have done it had it not been a Parker. Good day’s drive from my home and he knew I was checking him out as much as he was checking out me! Seems to me the good ones are dropping off the earth anymore. Took 2 and a half years to get the Parker restocked with my blank of circassion, but well worth the wait. My fear was he would die before finishing it. Cheers! Tim
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