I’m with you, as I can never get enough of the Collector magazine, as I find myself going back in the colder months, as now, and re read things and try to absorb more. The online magazine is a nice quick tool we have available for our use. In the evenings, as a wind down, I like sipping on something warm, like a hot Tea, and re reading the Collector in the paper back.
November 7, 2015

The current issue is one of the best issues ever….but I probably say that four times a year. Finished first reading a few hours ago. Will probably need to review it before putting it on the stack.
Still waiting on mine to arrive, hopefully today! Only reason I read anything online, is because of my lifelong hunger of reading magazines and books, most of which pertained to Guns & Hunting! I’m near the bottom of being on “The Collector’s Scale”! But the definitions on this is I’ve learned same as most other words, an entire description of the depth of a simple word? I first and foremost am a user of guns, my sole purpose of obtaining them was their use, and I can’t retire anything to the Collector’s Rack until I’ve achieved that guns purpose to me and it has lived it’s life to the fullest! So yes, I’m a collector, but still trying to complete the cycle of that 1st one! The closest one yet is my Dad’s old Mod 50 12ga. Actually I believe it’s fully retired to the cabinet it’s in, and OH the stories it could tell!
But I too love the magazine, and am anxious to read this current one! Only clicked on it to review the content as to not rob myself of full joy of a new glory of paper! But I too often go to back issues, and ordered a couple when I first joined. And am going to order couple more probably soon. But as to the kind of reading that defines me the most, I loved Brad Dunbars article “Late Seasin 33”! That’s so very close to my way and purpose to a fine old rifle, especially one that’s been in family! My dad died in 1998, a squirrel hunter beyond compare, and his Mod 50 was hus #1 favorite, but amongst couple other prior, but he was %100 Winchester! Since he died, that SG has been used only twice. My son killed his first squirrel with it aprox 2002, and I took it on one turkey hunt, killed a Gobbler in 4/05.
But I enjoy learning about Winchester’s all I can, and who better to learn from than Collector’s, because they always know the intimate details and true value before their next buy or trade!
So, I lay back, eyes & ears open, still laying down little boot leather, Winchester in hand!
I’m glad that you liked the article. That’s neat that you and your son used your Dad’s gun a little too.
Thanks for the comments. I’m happy to read that you are enjoying the magazines!
Mr. Douty – I read this article and thought I was viewing pictures of the gun; but then I read in the closing that it sounds like, we do not know its whereabouts or if it got destroyed in the 1906 earthquake. Is the picture represented in the article just one we think is close with some enhancements depicting his name plate? I am not IT pictures taking modifying guru – maybe the whole picture is an electronic image…
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