November 7, 2015

Anyone going to be in Dallas this weekend for the NRA Convention? Looks like a huge crowd but there’s plenty of parking so I’ll probably slip down there. I live in the area so if you have logistics issues I can probably be of assistance.
Presume you know about the Dallas City Councilman (possibly former mayor?) who tried to have the city revoke NRA’s permit. Bastard got voted down, but shows you the elected reps of an “inner city” in the South is not that much different from those on the East Coast.
I went to the one in San Antonio in ’79, & ALL the great gunwriters of the time were there signing books & giving talks–Keith, Capstick, Bill Jordan, etc. Nothing like that possible now.
November 7, 2015

Back in January the Dallas Safari Club held it’s convention in the same venue. Protesters showed up but were pretty much ignored except by the press. Caraway and the mayor of Dallas made some noise but the mayor quieted down when reminded of the economic impact of 80,000 visitors. Caraway is still running his head. Yes, Dallas is very much a big city with big city ways and the NRA is a big, easy target for some politicians. Add to that the appearance of Trump and Pence later today and we have the makings for a first-rate media circus. I know what happens when Secret Service takes over an area, won’t be there during that time.
November 7, 2015

In case you’re wondering what it’s like for a local cop to work with the Secret Service I hope you don’t mind if I burst a few bubbles. You drop everything to attend mandatory meetings long in advance of the event. Then you get assigned to a predetermined spot. In my case it was a lonely spot on I-35W with a county road underpass that this city cop was somehow familiar with. Hmmmm….
No, it wasn’t boring. OK, it was very boring except for a minute or two. I was checking out under the interstate long before the motorcade was due when a helicopter passed over and wanted to know what I was doing under the bridge. Then I realized that all the abandoned vehicles on this stretch of road had disappeared overnight. Then a silly sheriff’s deputy got up on an overpass north of me with a rifle and was told in no uncertain terms to put his rifle away. Later, as the motorcade approached from the south a southbound double wide mobile home hauler decided the motorcade looked like a funeral procession so he respectfully pulled to the side of the road a few hundred yards north of my position. Dallas PD SWAT swarmed the tractor and trailer before I had a chance to say or do anything. Those guys are GOOD!
Point I wanted to make is that Secret Service is in complete control of events where the president or vice president appear. If you’re part of the event, get there early. If you’re not part of the event avoid the area unless you don’t mind being stuck in place until the Secret Service wants you to move. And lastly, if you’re local LE these guys do this stuff all day, every day. They know what they’re doing. I can’t imagine the logistics of getting the VP and POTUS into (and out of) an event in downtown Dallas but my hat is off to them, lots of folks worked hard to make this event happen without incident.
And no, I’m not a Secret Service fanboy. The ones I worked with and have shot against were quite impressed with themselves and had little use for mere mortals.
I’ll be going to the convention tomorrow and I’ll be providing my own security, thank you very much!
November 7, 2015

Wincacher said
So, just like on the TV police melodramas.
Yep, thrill a minute. Four hours standing on the side of the highway. Funny thing is I don’t recall who was in the motorcade. It was some campaign event and he was stumping with a congressional candidate whose name he couldn’t pronounce. Press loved that.
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