Ok folks, I’m new here but wanted to pop in and ask some advice from those of you who have displayed in the past, especially at the NRA convention collectors exhibit. I will be displaying this year and while I am by no means new to displaying, I haven’t displayed at the NRA show.
I will be displaying a highly documented Winchester Mason’s Patent Revolver, which has been published in 2 books, a magazine, and has been in 3 museums.
My question is: what accoutrements would you recommend to accompany the gun and enhance the display? I was thinking about finding an original box of .45 LC (that’s what the gun is chambered in), possibly a fitting holster rig, a portrait of William Mason…but I would love to hear and ideas from you guys who have been there and done this. This will be an educational display with lots of printed graphics and text on banner backdrops. Size/number of display cases would be limited to 2-3 as they will have to be transported.
Looking forward to meeting anyone out there, and I’m also going to try to come to the show in Cody as well. Thanks in advance,
Ammo is good, preferably WRA, but don’t think holster would add much unless it could be specifically associated with the revolver. All the photos of Mason you can find would be a great asset. How about enlargements of Mason’s patent papers? Not only his revolver, but other important ones. In a crowd scene like the convention, everyone in a hurry, any “small print” is likely to be overlooked.
Wish I could be there to see your display, & to ask NRA execs to explain their collusion in Wayne’s misappropriation of funds contributed to defend the 2A, not fly him to the Bahamas.
clarence said
Ammo is good, preferably WRA, but don’t think holster would add much unless it could be specifically associated with the revolver. All the photos of Mason you can find would be a great asset. How about enlargements of Mason’s patent papers? Not only his revolver, but other important ones. In a crowd scene like the convention, everyone in a hurry, any “small print” is likely to be overlooked.Wish I could be there to see your display, & to ask NRA execs to explain their collusion in Wayne’s misappropriation of funds contributed to defend the 2A, not fly him to the Bahamas.
I tend to agree. Did Winchester manufacture .45 LC ammo in the late 1800’s? I’m thinking it’s going to have to be a box labeled for the SAA since that was what this Winchester revolver was designed to be competing against.
Eric Olson said Did Winchester manufacture .45 LC ammo in the late 1800’s? I’m thinking it’s going to have to be a box labeled for the SAA since that was what this Winchester revolver was designed to be competing against.
Cartridge illustrations in 1890s WRA catalogs are labeled Colt, so assume likewise on the cartridge box.
My suggestion for the title of your exhibit: “Wm. Mason–the man who made John Browning famous.” Which is not far from the literal truth, because most of Browning’s hand-made tool-room designs were not suitable for mass-production; it was Mason who re-engineered them to the degree necessary to make them compatible with factory production.
Ray Giles and Can Shuey’s book, page 283, shows 2 examples of Winchester manufactured 45 Colt ammo. One for the 1878 and the single action army that has a picture of a 1878 on the box. And the other for rifles. Both made in 1888 or earlier time frame. Just because these are the only ones in the book does not mean these are the only two manufactured.
clarence said
Eric Olson said Did Winchester manufacture .45 LC ammo in the late 1800’s? I’m thinking it’s going to have to be a box labeled for the SAA since that was what this Winchester revolver was designed to be competing against.
Cartridge illustrations in 1890s WRA catalogs are labeled Colt, so assume likewise on the cartridge box.
My suggestion for the title of your exhibit: “Wm. Mason–the man who made John Browning famous.” Which is not far from the literal truth, because most of Browning’s hand-made tool-room designs were not suitable for mass-production; it was Mason who re-engineered them to the degree necessary to make them compatible with factory production.
Chuck said
Ray Giles and Can Shuey’s book, page 283, shows 2 examples of Winchester manufactured 45 Colt ammo. One for the 1878 and the single action army that has a picture of a 1878 on the box. And the other for rifles. Both made in 1888 or earlier time frame. Just because these are the only ones in the book does not mean these are the only two manufactured.
I like what your doing. I talked a friend into displaying at the OGCA show in Cleveland a few years back with his black powder custom made collection of “Leonard Rifles” and he did really well and OGCA sent him the the NRA National convention representing them in the big show. He was pleased with everything as even the judges Phill Shrier and Jim Supica never heard of the Rifle or the maker, “David Leonard”,(1825-1908), an Ohio gun maker. You need to view his display on the OGCA website and possibly talk to him. If you PM me your number I’ll put you in contact with my friend Ken who’s Great, Great, Great Grandfather was “David Leonard”.
I like what Clarence suggested, on the connection between John M. Browning and WM. Mason, and I feel a great “Theme for your display” as that would really tie things together in my mind. As far as the Holster, as long as it’s period it doesn’t have to be Wm. Mason’s.IMO!
Chuck, also made a very good point on the ammo. The Blue cartridge box, made by Winchester,(“rifle cartridges”,printed on top), and the Colt green labeled box,(Ward’s had one in their last auction) in .45 caliber to me would really help to make the display as a lot was going on back then with all these companies and people mentioned, involved, and vying for business,and their spot into the picture at that time.
Good Luck,
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