Hi All,
I’m trying to track down how much Winchester repeating rifles cost originally, or single shot for that matter, in 1915 through 1925? and how much a used Winchester rifle from years prior to 1915, or from 1915 to 1925 might have cost? finally, how much was a box of shells for these rifles at that time?
thanks so much for your help,
The price of new guns can be looked up in the old catalogs but you need to specify what model, caliber and configuration to come up with a price. I just picked a 94 and it can vary from $17 to $35 depending features. As to the used price, are you looking for used price as of today? If your looking for what a used gun was worth back then, that will be very difficult to find.
WACA Life Member--- NRA Life Member---- Cody Firearms member since 1991 Researching the Winchester 1873's
Email: [email protected]
thank you Bob, this is very helpful. I’m a novelist and I had it down in the novel for $17 used, and $2 for a box of shells. novel set in Montana from 1864 to 1933 or so. the two Winchester rifles were purchased used, in the novel, around 1920 to 1924. really appreciated your help. thanks.
Now I understand what your after.
I picked a 1916 catalog for the new price of a 1894 carbine in 32-40 or 38-55 caliber @ $17, a round barrel rifle in the same caliber would be $18 and a Octagon barrel rifle would be $19.50. You get up to $32 with a takedown model with a half octagon extra light weight barrel. Now a used gun in the that era would be a percentage of that depend on how old it was at the time and condition. I checked a 1900 catalog and it was the same price. Now in 1918 prices went up, the carbine was $23, the round barrel was $24 and the octagon barrel was $25. I don’t have any newer catalogs that would cover up to 1925.
I checked the 38-55 bullets in the catalog and they list those as $40 per 1000 in 1916. I don’t know if that was bulk or boxed. They where sold in boxes of 20, at least that is what I see today for old boxes.
WACA Life Member--- NRA Life Member---- Cody Firearms member since 1991 Researching the Winchester 1873's
Email: [email protected]
I checked and Winchester’s price was 20 in a box and 50 boxes in a case. Thats .80 cents per box if you bought the case. I would think a retailer would buy the case and mark it up if your buying a box at a time. I looked at my old boxes of shells and found a box of 40-60 that was marked .80 cents in pencil. 40-60 is older ammo thou. In 1890 it sold for $32 per 1000
The two rifles in your story, what where they going to be used for? I’m just wondering because different rifles would of had different uses.
WACA Life Member--- NRA Life Member---- Cody Firearms member since 1991 Researching the Winchester 1873's
Email: [email protected]
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