Does anyone know the history of Winchester’s Custom Shop stamps on firearms? Seems many of the late New Haven-built custom rifles were proof stamped “CS” to indicate they were finished in the Custom Shop. Would like to know when this practice began and/or when it stopped? Did it continue with the guns made in South Carolina? Is there any way to know if a Pre-64 Model 70 was finished in the Custom Shop?
Lots of random questions, I know, but inquiring minds…..
Thanks in advance for any info.
Do you have a picture of the stamping your referring to? Also where is it at? Top of Barrel? Bottom side of Barrel? On the Receiver? Etc.
As I’ve seen multiple two alphabetical and/or numerical stampings that mean various things on Winchesters.
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Maverick, sorry, I don’t have a picture. However, I’ve seen several Models 70 from the Custom Shop with their proof on top of the barrel just forward of the action. I was just curious as to when Winchester started adding the Custom Shop proof. I suspect it was in the final years of production at New Haven, but I haven’t seen anything written on the subject.
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