At my Gun Club the Perazzi, Baretta and Kolar shooters are more in an amazed state when I manage to run a 25 now and then. I am not good enough to be one of the elite shooters, but I am a competitor. Keeps them on their game. Model 12s have become an addiction for me and I have 16 different configurations. From the Standard Model, to the Pigeon Grade to a “One of a kind” Aluminum experimental model. Enjoy your Model 12s. They represnt a part of History! American History. RDB
Steve you are correct. I used to shoot trap every Saturday morning with my hunting shotgun just to stay in tune for hunting season. I shoot Beretta’s when hunting but even these got some sideways looks at the range. You should see the look on their faces when I use an 1897.
clarence said
Welcome! Do the Perazzi & Baretta shooters at your trap club gasp when you pull out your “antique” Old Iron?
They have an absolute full-on conniption fit when I pull out a 125-year old Model 1897
I have often though it would be a real hoot to try a round of Skeet with one of my Model 1887 lever-action 12-ga guns (though it is a bit expensive to feed that old gun).
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
I have a Berreta combo, it is gathering dust. I shoot a Y model for Annie Oakley, it’s the money gun. I here many comments about that old iron, have a couple 97’s that will just dust ball a target. My shooting buddy’s always wonder what is coming out of that case. You just have to learn to shoot that old iron. I shoot registered targets with the solid rib. Gets plenty of what’s that comments.
The only Winchester lever gun I have is a 1955 or 1956
Model 88 – .308. I do shoot it and have killed a couple of deer with it. My Winchester collection is diverse, some rimfires, M70, & and of course the shotguns. I shoot them all, nice but no safe dwellers ?. Like those old pump guns.
November 7, 2015

Welcome, Barry! I’m similarly afflicted in my taste in Trap Guns, a model 12 Black Diamond used to make an occasional appearance on the club Trap fields until an 1897 Black Diamond met a sad ending in my hands. I love the way those old fixed full chokes powder birds! I still bring out a Y Model Trap Gun now and then for the Kolar, Perazzi and Krieghoff boys to drool over. I’m not much of a Trap shooter, I generally hammer away with a nice Browning Citori 12 and another in 20 for that field where the birds fly both ways.
Good to have another shotgun shooter, enjoy!
I’m not a trap shooter but if I were, I would be very tempted to show up with some “fun” shotguns. Yes, I have a couple Model 1897’s that I have shot clay pigeons with and do just fine. But I could do even better raising eyebrows:
Of course, I would want to have an original style holster for it – and be wearing it on my belt when I showed up (under my coat). Someone will say, “you forgot to bring you shotgun.” Then I just slide my coat to the side…
steve004 said
I’m not a trap shooter but if I were, I would be very tempted to show up with some “fun” shotguns. Yes, I have a couple Model 1897’s that I have shot clay pigeons with and do just fine. But I could do even better raising eyebrows:Of course, I would want to have an original style holster for it – and be wearing it on my belt when I showed up (under my coat). Someone will say, “you forgot to bring you shotgun.” Then I just slide my coat to the side…
That’s a nice Burgess. They have been bringing big money lately.
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