How does this (Collecting Texas,( Harold Weiser) guy, not get badgered every day advertising, and likely selling guns as antique, that are clearly not antiques. Maybe He’ll get caught up with the authorities one day. I’ve called Him in the past , trying to be helpful, and was point blank told to mind Your own %&*+##! business. He can’t be a very reputable indiiividual.
W.A.C.A. life member, Marlin Collectors Assn. charter and life member, C,S.S.A. member and general gun nut.
November 7, 2015

I’ve seen no evidence our BATFE is interested in correcting this behavior so I’m confident it will continue. There are also many unlicensed dealers doing business on the internet but it seems they have been able to make cases against some of them. According to the weekly bulletins I get from the BATFE they seem to be very interested in prosecuting prohibited persons possessing firearms, illegal possession of restricted firearms and devices as well as the occasional narcotics, arson and carjacking offenses. It seems our best option is to police ourselves and try to discourage the sellers who make a regular practice of violating the law. As collectors we don’t get much attention from the BATFE but if violations get to be a problem that WILL change.
I bought a Colt SAA from him that was featured in a three page article in True West Magazine. He tried to sell it online with no success, bought it to a show and I took the time to look at the documentation and ask questions. Real history and everything he said it was. Later I was contacted by an editor who saw it on display and wanted to feature it in the magazine. He’s not warm and fuzzy but he digs up some neat iron. I always look at his tables and will buy from him if he has what I want. Many of his guns are not for me but like a young dog, if he jumps a rabbit out of a culvert for the rest of his life he will sniff that colvert when going by, I’ll look at his table. T/R
An interesting and informative perspective on our hobby, and what some of us have experienced, and have gone through, or are going through. You both have shed some light on a different way to look at how each of us view this hobby, and the hunt or search for different pieces we are looking for.
Many of us have shared how when we we’re younger we would barge through a gun show buying up whatever we could carry. Those days are gone for many of us, if not for all of us. Being taught by others to invest in a good library, and in today’s world having the portable computer phone, in our hands with information available at a moments notice, as things have changed tremendously.
Good perspective gentlemen.
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