Stephen Merwin said
I have a 33wcf rifle made in 1896. What is it worth?
We generally need a much more than the one sentence you provided to have any sort of answer to your question. However, the very brief description you provide is very telling. If your M1886 rifle was indeed made in 1896 (e.g. you checked the serial number on the date of manufacture resource tool on this site), you have a rifle that has had a different barrel put on it. I say that as the .33 WCF had not come out yet in 1896. Circa 1902 is the year I believe Winchester started chambering rifles in this caliber. That means that your rifle has no collector value and what value it has is as a shooter. From there, many factors still come into play. For example, how much finish? Is it original finish? Are there other alterations such as tap holes, sling swivels and the like.
Provide us with more detail and we can respond with more. Pictures would be very helpful.
November 7, 2015
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