ROGER lane said
Needing a Lyman olympic flat receiver mount for a 69A national match
A what?
The Olympic sight is Redfield, Lyman did not make a mount for them. There is no such thing as a “National Match” 69A. There is a 69 Match but it has a round side. The flat side 69A is a Target or peep sight version. Redfield did make an Olympic adapter for the Model 75 which will fit on the later round side 69A rifles that came factory drilled and tapped but the stock would have to be modified.
What exactly are you trying to do?
Best Regards,
WACA Life Member #6284 - Specializing in Pre-64 Winchester .22 Rimfire
Thanks sir it is a Redfield Olympic sight. Took it to iron sights here in Tulsa thy shoot match. it doe’s have it marked NM on the receiver thy said thy only seen one other that’s all i have to go by and yes i could put a 80A rear sight on it but it has the olympic front sight on it already. the gun came with the rear sight with no flat base the guys at iron sight said all i need is the flat mount for a Olympic sight. Thanks Roger
ROGER lane said
Thanks sir it is a Redfield Olympic sight. Took it to iron sights here in Tulsa thy shoot match. it doe’s have it marked NM on the receiver thy said thy only seen one other that’s all i have to go by and yes i could put a 80A rear sight on it but it has the olympic front sight on it already. the gun came with the rear sight with no flat base the guys at iron sight said all i need is the flat mount for a Olympic sight. Thanks Roger
Hi Roger,
Unfortunately, “they” are giving you some bad intel. The “NM” on the receiver ledge are the inspector initials that performed the final inspection of the receiver at the factory. All 69A rifles have inspector initials in that area such as EH, EW, NM and others. The “NM” does not mean “National Match”, although that would be nice 😉
There is no off-the-shelf adapter for the Model 69A flat side receiver to mount a Redfield Olympic rear sight. You can use a flat side Redfield mount but you will have to drill new holes in it to match the existing hole spacing for the 80A or drill new holes in the 69A receiver to accommodate the adapter (which will hurt the value of the rifle). The only commercial receiver sight that is a direct replacement for the Winchester 80A rear sight is the Lyman 57EF as it uses the original 80A holes.
Best Regards,
WACA Life Member #6284 - Specializing in Pre-64 Winchester .22 Rimfire
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