If you reload you may have some interest. It appears that they can also be made from 7 X 57 Mauser cases but you will need a set of Roberts dies.
Chuck said
If you reload you may have some interest. It appears that they can also be made from 7 X 57 Mauser cases but you will need a set of Roberts dies.https://www.midsouthshooterssupply.com/dept/reloading/rifle-brass/257-roberts
I havent started reloading yet……but i did buy some CH dies last night on ebay for $20! I have dillon XL650 ready to go. the only problem is that i have never reloaded in my life! I have books, primers, brass, bullets and everything else you need just havent had the time to sit down and educate myself. Having a 4 year old does not help!
426crown said
Search on Guns International–they have some for sale–Bill
I’ve done this but a lot of sellers detest CA and will not sell. The idiot politicians in this state make laws that are completely idiotic and unenforceable! Please tell me how the “STATE” can inspect all packages coming into CA looking for ammo??? THEY CANT!!! But everyone is scared to mail anything here….RANT OVER…..
I don’t get along well with dealers that don’t sell to California. It is their choice but it does not help the cause. That is why I don’t buy from Midway USA unless it is my last choice. All they have to do is ship it to your FFL. Midway will ship guns, I think, but not ammo. They claim it is against the law.. It is up to you to find the FFL.
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