As the title says – looking for an extractor for a 22 rimfire 1885 low wall. The one i have works but is missing a bit off the edge. Would like to have a complete extractor.
I’ve called all the usual places, Homestead, Numrich, Idaho, Wyoming Armory… luck.
let me know if you have one – I’d even be willing to buy complete action or even a beater rifle.
Is your low-wall a Winder Musket, or a standard Single Shot rifle? There is a size difference in the extractors for the two.
There is no source for original .22 rim fire extractors and firing pins. Both of those parts were prone to breaking after repeated firing (work hardening). At one time (30+ years ago) reproduction extractors and firing pins were manufactured, but even they have dried up and no longer available. Frankly, the only remaining option today is to have a skilled gun smith repair or rebuild the broken piece on your extractor.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
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