November 7, 2015
Wow, Redding! Somebody must have snagged them, says 18-20 weeks out now. Hope it was Ray.
November 7, 2015
Ray James said
Still looking…ray
Good luck, Ray, you’ll find them.
One of my earliest memories is in College Station, quite possibly 1964, lying next to an open window and hearing the Aggie band practice nearby at my bedtime on pleasant evenings. I believe the house was on Bolton. I can probably spot the house because my dad seldom threw anything away; I have a few bricks I believe he saved from the house. He may have been a biology professor but he was pretty good at other stuff, too. He was very much involved in building the house and did much of the electrical and general contracting chores.
Sorry about the hi-jack, Ray. Chalk it up to Fathers’ Day.
Hijack or not, thanks for the good memories of CS and the FTA Band. I was on the faculty there (Civil Engineering) for 37 years. Its a great place to live, work and retire. In favorable weather I can occasionally hear the band at my house, 5-6 miles south of campus.
Ray James, College Station, Texas
November 7, 2015
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