I’ve inherited a pair of these with the gold embellishments made in 1967 and sequentially numbered 869 & 870. There are no boxes or cases.
I know a little bit about their history and welcome offers to purchase “as is”.
I have photos but can’t figure out how to get them up here.
Hi will4636
I am presently writing up a chapter in my forthcoming Model 1200/1400 book dealing with these beautiful guns, and was about to post an update when I saw your post.
As you may know the Winchester Claybird Competition ran from 1966 to 1969. I cannot find any details of the competition past that date, and would appreciate any knowledge you may have on this.
I have found that the reason why there are no Model 1200/1400 WCTs for 1996 is that for 1966 the re were 5 (five) Winchester Custom Built Model 12 Pigeon Grade shotguns made for the wilnning team
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