1876 Carbine with single set trigger, c.1889 with Cody Letter. $3,250 plus shipping and insurance.
The bore is FAIR to Good. Additional pictures can be taken and made available if interested. Please be spacific what you would like to see. The wood appears to have been cleaned and varnished. Included: New Custom 3 die reloading set with shell holder.
Roger Baker Text/Cell (408) 836-1349 eMail: [email protected]
The set trigger works fine. After my original purchase I propped the rifle up with the hammer side down and let Kroil run down the adjusting screw. I carefully turned the little setting screw in and out to make sure it changed the pull. I then returned it back to it’s original position. In set position it has a lighter trigger pull then when it is not set. RDB
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