FOR SALE : Winchester Model 94 Ranger 30/30, Stamped 1894-1994, like new, I do not believe it was ever fired. Winchester Model 94 30/30, 1970 production date, saddle ring, Tasco 3x9x32 side mount scope, leather sling, very good condition. Winchester Model 94 30/30, war years (1947) serial #14000xx in original condition, bluing about 85 to 90 %, fore stock is original, but butt stock has a coat of varnish on it (wood is excellent condition under it) don’t know why this was done ???? If interested email me at [email protected] I can provide any info or pictures you would like. I am getting up there in age and it’s time to sell off my collection. No reasonable offer refused. I will ship, C&R ok on 1947 model, or will ship to your FFL.
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