Sometime ago I started a thread about the front sight on the Model 53 and 55 rifles.Seems they used a Lyman gold bead # 3.Not sure if different heights were used for some of the calibres or not.Any one know for sure?
Now I wonder what rear sight was used on the Model 53 and 55 rifles and what ladder?Was the same ladder used all the calibres?I have a Model 55 .30 WCF and a Model 53 .25 WCF.Both rifles have the same rear sight.Which look like the ones pictured in the links.What sight is it?
Thanks for that.Bert.Great to know.
What about the front sight,do you know if they all the same height or were different heights used on any of the calibres?Seems to me that I read some where, that the .44WCF on the Model 53 used a different height than the 25 and 32 WCF Model 53 rifles,but that may or may not have been true.
Cannot remember reading any thing about the height of the front sights on the Model 55.
The 22-C is what I found listed in the 1928 catalog. That stated, there is not much difference between the 22-C and the earlier 22-A. I have not found anything that specifies the bead height for the Lyman No. 3 Gold bead sight that as used on both models.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
The original flat tops on my 92’s & 94’s have a noticable difference in height and width being taller and wider compared to the original on my model 55. Maybe JWA has the Winchester sight measurement info and designation for the model 55 and 53 which use the same rear sight.
Rick C
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