March 1, 2011

Hello all,
I finally located a replacement 98a bolt peep sight for my 1936 M71
The sight will be here in a week or so.
I noticed after purchasing that the sight I have coming has some differences and I am wanting to know if there will be an issue fitting this in my existing bolt?
My current sight has a single slotted screw on top just behind the aperture and the sight that’s coming has TWO slotted screws in that location (See photos)
I also noticed that the breech end of the sight I am getting has a slightly different shap to the base.
So, the question is….will this new sight work with my current original bolt??
Also, the new sight is missing the elevation nut and spring, but I am hoping I will be able to use my existing nut/spring.
Would appreciate your thoughts and tips on how to carefully do the swap without doing damage.
Another member has already given me some tips, but I am open to all the guidance I can get.
Tom Graham - Salmon, Idaho
An interesting 98a thread series and Model 71. I just got another M98a sight and installed it. It was missing a through-pin so I made one
that functions well. I have three pre-war Model 71s that are fitted withe the Winchester 98 a sight. It was not unusual for Winchester to change
or improve a rifle or sight design slightly. One of my early M-71s is chambered in 450 Fuller, a wildcat cartridge similar to the 450 Alaskan and
originating from the same rifle shop in Cooper Landing, AK. The 1886/M-71 rifles and Browning-designed rifles were and still are popular in Alaska and Western Canada.
The reason is fast reliable cycling and cartridge feeding in bear country.
As strong as the 98a sight is, there might be a useful combination that have discovered for my Model 71 in 450 Alaskan:
a Lyman 56 combined with a Marbles 95 fold-down sporting rear sight. Should the LY 56 become damaged in any way, field use of the Marbles 95
can be instantly brought into play as a back-up sight.
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