eric holborn said
Looking for value on Winchester High wall 20 ga. Writing on barrel:Oct 7. 79. May 28 07
Serial Number: 113865
having issues attaching photos, any guidance here would be greatly appreciated
I received your pictures and sent you a reply message.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
Chuck said
Hopefully you told him it was worth a lot. Just 65 numbers off from mine.
All of the high-wall 20-ga shotguns have very close serial numbers. With the exception of just three guns, all of them are in the 113699 – 114855 serial range. For that reason, it is relatively easy to extrapolate what the total production number was (or could be).
The condition of Eric’s gun is on the low-end of the scale, but the fact that it is a Take Down helped it a bit.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
[email protected] said
The one in my collection is 113799.Kipp Meyers
I had your high-wall shotgun already listed in the survey.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
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