What is the serial number? Can you post (or send me) clear pictures of the slide bar (left side) and the address roll marking on the barrel?
I note that your Model 97 does not have the fluted comb style butt stock. Winchester made the change to the fluted comb butt stocks in the earlier months of the year 1931 (in the 865000 serial number range). Your Model 97 has older style butt stock that was standard in the years 1906 – 1930.
I really like the Model 1897 (97) shotguns as well. I have approximately a dozen of them in my collection. My preference is for the pre “C” and the “C” series guns with the Round Knob style pistol grip stock.
S/N 36850 Solid Frame
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
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