It is a “Model 12”, and it has been refinished (reblued) and restocked. The Lyman Cutts Compensator was installed after the fact. The gun has essentially zero interest or value in the collector market. Unknown what it might be worth to somebody as a shooter grade gun.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
November 7, 2015

I’d be willing to bet a flat of Winchester AA’s it’s a pretty sweet Skeet gun. New wood and occasional re-bluing is part of the life of a well-used competition gun. One possible fly in the ointment is that it was likely restocked to a previous owner’s specifications so it may not fit the average shooter. We don’t see many M12’s on the Skeet fields anymore but there was a time that gun was what everyone wanted. Nice gun but I’ll never get past the compensator.
We all have had some “duds” at some point in time, might even have them still. Collecting Winchesters is an on going evolution. Sounds to me you are looking to sell all of the stuff your listing as collecting ain’t your thing. I might suggest contacting one of the auction companies that really specialize in disposing of such guns and accessories. You may do better monetarily if that is your goal. Sorry to say that being here you will get HONEST critique of your stuff, and some times it is hard to swallow. You have to understand that most of the folks here are extremely knowledgeable and have been there, done that in the world of collecting and most have vast knowledge of more than just Winchesters.
It would be useful to see the face of the receiver after taking the barrel assembly off. If the gun was manufactured as a 28 gauge, there should be a “28” stamp there.
If the stamp is there, it should examined under magnification to see whether the “8” was originally a “0.” If the stamp is genuine and unaltered, this is one of a relatively small number of 28 gauge Model 12 guns.
It was once possible to send a Model 12 back to Winchester for refinishing and upgrading. Perhaps there might be marks indicating that somewhere on the interior wood.
If not WRA, perhaps there are indications the upgrade was done by a reputable shop such as Simmons, Kerr Sport Shop, Larry Del Grego, et al.
If this is an original 28 gauge Model 12 upgraded by WRA or a famous shop, it might well attract interest from collectors specializing in the Model 12 and 42 guns.
- Bill
WACA # 65205; life member, NRA; member, TGCA; member, TSRA; amateur preservationist
"I have seen wicked men and fools, a great many of both, and I believe they both get paid in the end, but the fools first." -- David Balfour, narrator and protagonist of the novel, Kidnapped, by Robert Louis Stevenson.
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