Came across this recently… fell in love with the wood and bought it despite the drawback…
1956 mfg. Model 12 Pigeon Grade. 20 ga. 26″ vent rib factory Cutts barrel (length includes the Cutts body but not the tube) Factory pad. … sadly, the receiver has been refinished. I couldn’t help myself….I just had to… Looking for opinions regarding the impact of the refinish and the Cutts (I’ve had friends go to both extremes on the Cutts, for some negative and for others positive.) I’ll fess up on the cost, $765. …. I don’t think I got hurt.
November 7, 2015
I don’t let refinish on a competition gun bother me much. Serious competitors don’t let too many years go by without refinishing a gun they like enough to shoot a lot…and comp guns get shot a lot. Sometimes a top quality refinish is very hard to detect so I generally assume a slick old M12 has been refinished. My opinion of the Cutts is just that, I’ll keep it to myself. Awesome wood. I would probably have bought it for no other reason.
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