Kurt Engle said
I just bought a model 12 takedown with an 19 inch barrel just wanted to know if it was a riot gun or something.
Bert H. said
If the barrel is truly 19-inches, then No, it is not a Riot Gun. Instead, it is most likely a cut down Field grade gun. What is the choke marking stamped on the barrel?Bert
The listing in which I bought it from on guns.com said it was a fixed modified , also follow up question what ammo type is best thanks sorry about my stupidity new to older shotguns
November 7, 2015

Unless the barrel is stamped otherwise I’d stay with 2 3/4” shells if a 12ga. The stampings on the barrel near the breech should give you the choke and chambering information.
TXGunNut said
Unless the barrel is stamped otherwise I’d stay with 2 3/4” shells if a 12ga. The stampings on the barrel near the breech should give you the choke and chambering information.
OK I’m pretty sure it is 2 3/4 are slugs a no go with modified choke sorry if I sound ignorant I’ve only deal with mossbergs where you do a barrel swap if you want a choke or not
Kurt Engle said
TXGunNut said
Unless the barrel is stamped otherwise I’d stay with 2 3/4” shells if a 12ga. The stampings on the barrel near the breech should give you the choke and chambering information.
OK I’m pretty sure it is 2 3/4 are slugs a no go with modified choke sorry if I sound ignorant I’ve only deal with mossbergs where you do a barrel swap if you want a choke or not
Is buckshot patterning going to be off as well thanks for your guys time and patience
November 7, 2015

Not all 2 3/4 shells are slugs, I can assure you. Have you looked at the barrel markings?
TXGunNut said
Not all 2 3/4 shells are slugs, I can assure you. Have you looked at the barrel markings?
Well yes and no bought it on guns.com waiting for her to come in, I know not all shells are slugs I was asking if a modified choke would cause problems with slugs
Kurt Engle said
TXGunNut said
Not all 2 3/4 shells are slugs, I can assure you. Have you looked at the barrel markings?
Well yes and no bought it on guns.com waiting for her to come in, I know not all shells are slugs I was asking if a modified choke would cause problems with slugs
Not according to Winchester. You can shoot both a Slug or Buck Shot in a Modified choke. Winchester designed the Model 12 to shoot Slugs & Buck Shot through all of the various factory chokes… including their Full choked barrels.
With that stated, with a cut down barrel, the gun you bought now has a Cylinder bore.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
November 7, 2015

If the barrel has been cut down it will have no constriction or choke. That is also called a cylinder bore. Buckshot or slugs will work fine in a cylinder bore. Buckshot and some slugs may work in a modified choke barrel but personally I wouldn’t recommend it in an older gun. When it arrives I’d recommend measuring the bore diameter at the muzzle with an inside micrometer or caliper capable of measuring down to .001”. Then I would measure the distance from the end of the muzzle to the front bead. As mentioned above the barrel markings will be very helpful in helping us answer your questions, the complete serial number is generally helpful as well.
I occasionally give my doubles a break and shoot trap with a Model 12 or skeet with a 1300 riot gun. The Model 12 is sometimes called “the greatest hammerless repeating shotgun ever built” and once you spend some time with your Model 12 you’ll likely agree.
TXGunNut said
Kurt-If the barrel has been cut down it will have no constriction or choke. That is also called a cylinder bore. Buckshot or slugs will work fine in a cylinder bore. Buckshot and some slugs may work in a modified choke barrel but personally I wouldn’t recommend it in an older gun. When it arrives I’d recommend measuring the bore diameter at the muzzle with an inside micrometer or caliper capable of measuring down to .001”. Then I would measure the distance from the end of the muzzle to the front bead. As mentioned above the barrel markings will be very helpful in helping us answer your questions, the complete serial number is generally helpful as well.
I occasionally give my doubles a break and shoot trap with a Model 12 or skeet with a 1300 riot gun. The Model 12 is sometimes called “the greatest hammerless repeating shotgun ever built” and once you spend some time with your Model 12 you’ll likely agree.
Wow that was a lot to take in, I had a mossberg and it was fine and all but wasn’t that fun for me to shoot that is why I chose to get an “old” gun and when I saw the listing on guns.com and the price was in my range and the seller knocked off 100 bucks so for a little over 500 after shipping and tax the order is confirmed andbeing facilitated I’m super excited I was going to run low brass anyway do you know how mini shells function on model 12 sorry for asking so many questions I’ve the only old guns I deal with are like mosin revolvers and rifles
November 7, 2015

The Mossberg is a sturdy and reliable shotgun but like most riot guns can be unpleasant to shoot with heavy defensive loads. I foolishly offered to break in a couple of new 590’s for an agency I worked for and I didn’t want to shoot a shotgun for awhile after that-but they sure smoothed up nicely! I have no idea how the mini-shells will function in any repeater, they don’t provide any advantage for any of the shotgun games I play.
TXGunNut said
Kurt-The Mossberg is a sturdy and reliable shotgun but like most riot guns can be unpleasant to shoot with heavy defensive loads. I foolishly offered to break in a couple of new 590’s for an agency I worked for and I didn’t want to shoot a shotgun for awhile after that-but they sure smoothed up nicely! I have no idea how the mini-shells will function in any repeater, they don’t provide any advantage for any of the shotgun games I play.
OK I thought I would ask because Google wasn’t helping me, I like getting the crap beat out of me with stuff like 12ga slugs and Buckshot but with this gun I’ll run low brass and I’ll try the mini shells and report back after I do so baby hasn’t shipped out yet, I feel having an answer on here about the minis due to the low recoil and noise if you have a female shooter or a child it’s a good way to let them shoot 12ga I know from experience they only fired 2 rounds of 410 and then said let me shoot yours and then they’ll rip a game load think that Buckshot or slugs will feel the same and it doesn’t the best reaction I ever got was holy shit the slug sounds like a raygun from call of duty zombies I never laughed so hard
November 7, 2015

Hopefully a new female shooter or parents of a youngster will have the good sense to seek out an instructor or experienced shooter before trying to learn how to shoot, especially something with a bit of recoil. Most folks feel getting beat up is not their idea of a god time. Recoil can be managed but it’s best to know the shooter’s limitations and tolerances.
TXGunNut said
Hopefully a new female shooter or parents of a youngster will have the good sense to seek out an instructor or experienced shooter before trying to learn how to shoot, especially something with a bit of recoil. Most folks feel getting beat up is not their idea of a god time. Recoil can be managed but it’s best to know the shooter’s limitations and tolerances.
Oh I completely agree first time I shot shotgun I had a pretty stout game load it was like a Rio or herters #7 shot but it wasn’t that bad to me I was 12 at the time, now keep in mind I had shot the 9130 mosin and that kicked me pretty good but my dad who is a retired cop and ex military said u want to try Buckshot turns out it was a magnum Buckshot from the police department the first and last time a gun nearly knocked me down and then he let’s me run a slug it was the same kind that sounded like a ray gun and that didn’t hurt as much that’s why I’m a big advocate for minishells you get basically no recoil with firing half ounce slugs or 30 pellets of #buck or buck and ball or mini Rhodesian jungle ammo Buckshot and birdshot combined there are some really cool shells that are minis for women and children or you just want some low recoil stuff in between the full power stuff,also mini shells are nice for small to medium size game or a good option to leave the gun with your girlfriend wife or child while you’re out for daytrip or work trip my mom who is a short woman 5’4 and she always wanted me to leave out the shotgun for her even though I explained my ar9 or m4 and m16 or ak would be better for home defense plus you can have the rifle loaded with the safety on and full mag I would always tell her that then she would have me load my norinco 45 with an extended mag because she knew that shotgun can be weird and have shells stick in the chamber and she knew my 45 never jammed or stovepipe in fact the only time it has is when my dad put a worn out Wilson combat mag in my gun and it would always jam none of the other mags would do that even 14 round mags with plus one wouldn’t jam the only thing I haven’t tested yet is a drum mag
Chuck said
Another thing about shooting older Model 12’s is that the barrels are not for steel shot. I have shot many deer using a modified barrel and slugs. Some guns can do it and other shouldn’t. Each manufacturer has their recommendations.
I know this might sound ignorant but is flechete steel I like unique shotgun shells and I’ve heard of them being used in Korea
Kurt Engle said
Chuck said
Another thing about shooting older Model 12’s is that the barrels are not for steel shot. I have shot many deer using a modified barrel and slugs. Some guns can do it and other shouldn’t. Each manufacturer has their recommendations.
I know this might sound ignorant but is flechete steel I like unique shotgun shells and I’ve heard of them being used in Korea
Yes, flechetes are steel darts. Usually used in artillery shells. We used them during the Viet Nam era too. Never seen one in a shot shell.
I’ve seen some made up Flechette rounds online, some appear to claim military origin, makes sense they came from artillery rounds. They would be heck on barrels. I think it wise to avoid the super whiz bang ammo like flechette and Dragon’s breath. More a hold my beer and watch this. Now Tungsten, that’s a very different deal. Perfectly round, super dense, but mighty costly.
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