Good day John and Tom
I have been collating a data base of Serial numbers with year of manufacture for the Model 1200. I started it in 2009, but it has been hard as I rely on sellers either stating the Serial Number or showing a photo, but I am close to completing it. I need more photos with serial numbers to fill in some gaps to finalize my database and I am happy to provide an estimate of manufacture year provided you send photos. In some cases I may be out by a year, but thats all, and I will say so. Your photos may be the clincher for a particular year.
The Serial Number of M1200 20 Ga # L588784 was stamped on the receiver on 30th January 1970, so it is definitely 1970 production;
Winchester offered 9 models in 20 Gauge that year each differing by barrel type and length, choke, type. I you reply with a set of photos including the barrel length and choke I can advise exactly which model you have. I will then add your gun to the Data Base.
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