Hi all, I’m trying to find the value of my Grandfathers Win Model 21 12 Ga. He was a sales rep @ Win/Olin in late 1940 early 1950s. Seems to be a duck or pheasant grade. SN# comes back as 1948. I’d put condition as excellent or 96% to 98%. I can’t seem to upload pics from pc and flickr doesn’t want to work for me? I’m finding value between 4k to 6k from my research. This Mod 21 was given to him when he left Winchester from everything he told me over the years.
Anyone know if I’m in the ball park or not? Thanks, Jeff
Hello Jeff,
Depending on the precise configuration and graded condition of your Model 21, your estimate could be many thousands too low.
The first thing you should consider doing is to contact the Cody Firearms Museum (CFM) records office and acquire a factory letter for it. In the interim, you will need to upload your pictures to a photo hosting website and then post the URL to them here on the WACA forum. You can also send them to me via email.
Bert – [email protected]
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
It appears to be a Standard grade Model 21. The DUCK (and SKEET or TRAP) grade guns were marked as such on the bottom of the receiver frame.
I will assume that it has 30″ barrels. It does show some wear from use, but it is still a desirable gun. As for the value, it really depends on how motivated the buyer is.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
Thanks Bert. The blueing looks really good except that part under the receiver. I was assuming that’s because of the way he carried it quail hunting, someone told me it was a different type of steel there or Metalurgical content? Just trying to figure out if I was in the ball park initially or if I was too high? Thanks, J
JDI said
Thanks Bert. The blueing looks really good except that part under the receiver. I was assuming that’s because of the way he carried it quail hunting, someone told me it was a different type of steel there or Metalurgical content? Just trying to figure out if I was in the ball park initially or if I was too high? Thanks, J
“Someone” told you wrong. The receiver frame and barrel assembly are both the exact same CMS steel. Winchester referred to it as “Proof Steel”. The wear to the bluing was strictly a result of carry wear. I believe that you are in the ballpark for the value.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
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