I have read in some places that Britain ordered some 1895s, or that they were used by the RCMP but can’t find any concrete info. Anyone know anything?
57XXX serial number, 22″ barrel, seems to have factory sling swivels along with the saddle ring, front one mounted to the band. Redfield peep. I have seen others with the same setup which makes me think it’s some sort of contract, or could it be a coincidence?
November 7, 2015
I don’t know if it’s the British or the RCMP influence but the .303 has a very loyal following in Canada.
Indeed most of the M1895’s I have encountered here in Canada are .303 British. I owned a saddle ring carbine version myself many years ago. I would suspect that any government contract M 1895’s would be stamped with the “DC” proof mark and any NWMP or after it added the RoyalNWMP in 1904 would be marked as well. I have not seen a Mountie with an 1895 in any photos that I have seen. The Lee-Metford and Lee-Enfield in .303 seems the be the long guns of choice after the 1876’s were obsolete. The name change to the RCMP did happen until 1920. You might contact the RCMP Museum on Regina, Saskatchewan for any information which they may have. I dont recall seeing an 1895 on display when I last visited the museum three years ago.
As far as the U.K. is concerned, there is no record of Model 1895 rifles in .303 being ordered for military service.
This model in .303 was certainly popular in Canada , Australia and New Zealand with hunters.
I am sure others will know more about service in Canada although i have never seen any reference to the military using them.
I don’t ever recall seeing a mod ’95 in service in Canada. Of course the .303 was popular here, there were thousands of surplus Lee Enfields available after the war and very cheap. I bought My first high powered rifle in 1961 when I was 13, a .303 full army issue, for $6.00 at a pawn shop in London Ont. They were piled up like cord wood and You took Your pick for $6.00 and .50 for a bayonet.If I remember correct , the Parker Hale (sporterized) Enfields were $8.00 in the Sears catalogue. I also bought 2, Army issue 45 Harley Davidsons in 1962 for $75.00, one running one in boxes. If only EH!
W.A.C.A. life member, Marlin Collectors Assn. charter and life member, C,S.S.A. member and general gun nut.
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