Another factor is that some folks confuse the letter as a document of originality. A factory letter only shows how it was at shipping out. It could be completely redone and all the parts replaced with correct originals that did not come on the gun.
And as stated above the vast majority of Winchesters must stand alone with no letter available.
It comes down to price for me. If it’s a $1500-$2000 gun that doesn’t letter but looks right with no suspicions I’m probably a buyer. Now when I get into the $5K and up guns, I personally need a letter. I’m not going to buy the “they ran out of room on the ledger” story or theory. Like Bob and T/R said about the 73 with 32″ bl, they did what I would hope my better sense was telling me… walk away!
Seen too many guns messed with or outside the letter range that would have gone undetected if it wasn’t for the keen memory or eye of others who remembered these guns with a different caliber/configuration/parts, etc.
Risk of “doesn’t letter” versus reward can be a costly mistake that I myself can’t afford.
Rick C
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