I have this old 94 that I’ve never looked into. Serial is 750xxx range. The barrel measures 18 3/4″. It definitely has a few quirks and someone has tore into it before me. I feel like it has an odd barrel length and the bolt riding over the hammer makes it very difficult to open the lever all the way. It is significantly harder than other my ’94s. There is also an upside down “222” stamped on the barrel, not sure what that is about.
Fossilfinder86 said
Hi Bert, how can you tell the mag tub was cut down? I figured the barrel was because of the odd length and the horrific front sight job someone did. they obviously didn’t know how to fit a dovetail.
When the barrel was cut down (shortened), the magazine also had to be shortened so that it would not extend out past the muzzle. The current length of the magazine is just as “odd” as the barrel length.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
It is very unlikely that the magazine tube is not cut, but it is possible that the full length, 26″, barreled gun had a 2/3 or 3/4 length magazine, again very unlikely, and as Bert said the mag was probably cut when they cut the barrel, hard to tell without the gun “in hand”.
W.A.C.A. life member, Marlin Collectors Assn. charter and life member, C,S.S.A. member and general gun nut.
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