To the best of my knowledge the Winchester Model 53 came only with a shotgun type butt stock.I have seen pictures of Model 53 rifles with curved butt stocks.Were these curved butt stocks available on the Model 53 or perhaps some one at a latter date ,took a curved Model 92 butt stock and had it fitted to the Model 53 rifle?What do you think?
Bert H. said
A crescent butt stock on a Model 53 was a special order item. While there are a few of them out there, more often than not, somebody swapped stocks from a Model 1892 Sporting Rifle.
I suppose for the smallish number I’ve seen of these over the years, some were probably special order and some had been swapped out.
I have never owned a 53 with a crescent butt. I have also looked over a lot of them and never seen one. So I would agree it would be special order or swapped from a 1892. But then I’d ask myself why? The shotgun butt is a nicer fit to the shoulder, imo. Sorry Steve, I hope you’re not disappointed in me, I am an 86 man to the core but a really nice 53 /92 can get me in trouble too!
oldcrankyyankee said
I have never owned a 53 with a crescent butt. I have also looked over a lot of them and never seen one. So I would agree it would be special order or swapped from a 1892. But then I’d ask myself why? The shotgun butt is a nicer fit to the shoulder, imo. Sorry Steve, I hope you’re not disappointed in me, I am an 86 man to the core but a really nice 53 /92 can get me in trouble too!
Tom – I’m not on a different wave length. I like 92’s and 53’s plenty – but the 1886 is still tops for me.
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